Department of Electronic Engineering

Wing-Kwong Wong, Associate Professor

  • Title/Chair of Future Technology Research Center(2022 Retired)
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  • Education/PhD, Institute of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin
  • Specialty/Embedded systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Learning, Multimedia Systems, Design Computing


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  1. O. Mofid, S. Mobayen and W. -K. Wong, 2021, Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Attitude and Position Tracking Control of Quadrotor UAVs in the Existence of External Disturbance, IEEE Access, Vol.9, pp.3428-3440. (SCIE)(MOST 108-2511-H-224 -007 -MY3)
  2. V. Ghaffari, S. Mobayen and W. -K. Wong, 2020, A Linear Fractional Transformation Based Approach to Robust Model Predictive Control Design in Uncertain Systems, IEEE Access, Vol.8, pp.220215-220226. (EI, SCIE)(MOST 108-2511-H-224 -007 -MY3)
  3. Winger Sei-Wo Tseng, Wing-Kwong Wong, Chun-Chi Shih and Yong-Siang Su, 2020, Building a Care Management and Guidance Security System for Assisting Patients with Cognitive Impairment, Sustainability, Vol.12, No.10516, pp.1-23. (SSCI, SCIE)
  4. Wing-Kwong Wong, Kai-Ping Chen, Jia-Wei Lin, 2020, Real-Time Data Logging and Online Curve Fitting Using Raspberry Pi in Physics Laboratories, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.18, No.3, pp.57-77. (EI)
  5. Tseng, W. .-W.; Ma, Y.-C.; Wong, W.-K.; Yeh, Y.-T.; Wang, W.-I.; Cheng, S.-H., 2020, An Indoor Gardening Planting Table Game Design to Improve the Cognitive Performance of the Elderly with Mild and Moderate Dementia, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.17, No.1483. (SSCI, SCIE)
  7. SC Hsia, YC Lin, WK Wong, RC Hsu, 2020, Asynchronous control and driver for high-speed LED display with local scanning approach, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol.14, No.1, pp.1-6. (SCI)
  8. Wong, W. K., Chao, T. K., Chang, C. L., & Chen, K. P., 2019, Online Scaffolding for Data Modeling in Low-Cost Physical Labs, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.17, No.4, pp.1-20. (EI)
  9. Wing-Kwong Wong, 2018, Lessons from adopting a maker approach to teaching operating systems with Raspberry Pi, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol.15, No.2, pp.119-131. (其他)(MOST 107-2511-H-224-001)
  10. S. C. Hsia, W. K. Wong and Y. H. Shih, 2018, Fast-efficient algorithm of high-profile intra prediction for H.264 encoding system, IET Image Processing, Vol.12, No.3, pp.329-336. (SCI)
  11. Chia-Yu Liu, Chao-Jung Wu, Wing-Kwong Wong, Yunn-Wen Lien, Tsung-Kai Chao, 2017, Scientific modeling with mobile devices in high school physics labs, Computers & Education, Vol.105, pp.44-56. (EI, SSCI)(102-2511-S-224 -002 -MY2)
  12. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Chao, Tsung-Kai, Chen, Pin-Ren, Lien, Yunn-Wen and Wu, Chao-Jung, 2015, Pendulum experiments with three modern electronic devices and a modeling tool, Journal of Computers in Education, Vol.2, No.1, pp.77-92. (使用行動科技於高中物理實驗課程)
  13. Tsung-Kai Chao, Bing-Shiun Yang, Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2014, Using an Android Smartphone for Robotic Image Recognition, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.293, pp.33-40. (102-2511-S-224-002-MY2)
  14. Yang, Yu-Fen, Wong, Wing-Kwong and Yeh, Hui-Chin, 2013, Learning to construct English (L2) sentences in a bilingual corpus-based system, System, Vol.41, No.3, pp.677-690. (SSCI)(自然語言處理技術支援之學習科技)
  15. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Chen, Po-Yu, Yin, Sheng-Kai, 2013, Polyhedron Reconstruction Based on Paper Folding, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Vol.7, No.4, pp.934-945. (EI)(98-2511-S-224-005-MY3)
  16. Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Chang-Zhe Yang, 2012, Drawing dynamic geometry figures online with natural language for junior high school geometry, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol.13, No.5, pp.126-147. (SSCI)(NSC 98-2511-S-224-005-MY3)
  17. Wing-Kwong Wong, Po-Yu Chen, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2012, A Virtual Computational Paper Folding Environment Based on a Computer Algebra System, Journal of Computer, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp.14-37. (EI)(學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  18. Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Hsu-Sheng Chang, 2011, Using a Compass for the Localization of a Robot with PID Control, American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol.11, No.12, pp.434-438. (其他)(101-2511-S-224-001-)
  19. Wing-Kwong Wong, Po-Yu Chen, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2011, An Instructional Model for Learning Theorem Proving with Dynamic Geometry Environment, American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol.11, No.12, pp.408-412. (其他)(98-2511-S-224-005-MY3)
  20. Wing-Kwong Wong, Yu-Shian Jai, Jin-Cyuan Wei, 2011, Robotic Applications with FPGA Implementation of Java Virtual Machine, International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, Vol.1, No.1, pp.32-38. (其他)(100-2511-S-224-001-)
  21. Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Hsi-Hsun Yang, Ying-Hao Cheng, 2011, Using Computer-Assisted Multiple Representations in Learning Geometry Proofs, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.14, No.3, pp.43-54. (SSCI)(98-2511-S-224-005-MY3)
  22. Wing-Kwong Wong, Po-Yu Chen, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2011, A Virtual Computational Paper Folding Environment Based on Computer Algebraic System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.28-37. (EI)(98-2511-S-224-005-MY2)
  23. Wing-Kwong Wong, Han-Hung Chen, Sheng-Cheng Hsu*, 2009, Reinforcement Learning for Training a Computer Program of Chinese Chess, Int. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems. (EI)
  24. Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Chun-Wei Huang, Hsi-Hsun Yang, Bo-Yu Chen, Sheng-Cheng Hsu*, Shih-Hung Wu, 2009, A Computer-assisted Environment for Understanding Geometry Theorem Proving Problems and Making Conjectures, Int. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems. (EI)(NSC 95-2520-S-224-001- MY3, NSC 95-2520-S-324-001 and NSC 96-2524-S-224-001)
  25. Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Chin Yeh, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2009, The influence of social interaction on meaning construction in a virtual community, British Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI)
  26. Yang, Yu-Feng, Wong, Wing-Kwong, Yeh, Hui-Chin, 2009, Investigating readers’ mental maps of referential resolution in an online system, Computers and Education, Vol.53, No.3, pp.799-808. (SCI, EI, SSCI)
  27. Yeh, Hui-Chin, Yang, Yu-Fen, Wong, Wing-Kwong, 2009, Interaction Chain Patterns of Online Text Construction with Lexical Cohesion, Journal of Educational Technology and Society. (SSCI)
  28. Yu-Fen Yang, Wing-Kwong Wong, Hui-Chin Yeh, 2008, A computer system of referential resolution to assess students' reading comprehension, Educational Technology and Society, Vol.11, No.4, pp.173-189. (SSCI)
  29. Yang, Y. F., Yeh, H. C., Wong, W. K., 2008, Constructing Mental Representation of Reference by Feedback in a Computer System, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, No.5, pp.1959-1976. (EI, SSCI)
  30. Chien-Yue Chen, Wing-Kwong Wong, Cheng-Deng Kuo, Yun-Tzai Liao, Ming-Da Ke, 2008, Wavelet Real Time Monitoring System: A case study of the musical influence on electroencephalography, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Vol.7, No.2, pp.56-62. (EI)
  31. Wing-Kwong Wong, Hsi-Hsun Yang, Wei-Lung Shen, Sheng-Kai Yin, Sheng-Cheng Hsu, 2008, Increase the efficiency of English-Chinese sentence alignment: target range restriction and empirical selection of stop words, WSEAS Transactions on computers, Vol.7, No.2, pp.57-64. (EI)(NSC 95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  32. Wong, W. K., Hsu, S. C., Wu, S. H., Hsu, W. L., 2007, LIM-G: Learner-initiating Instruction Model based on Cognitive Knowledge for Geometry Word Problem Comprehension, Computers and Education Journal, Vol.48, No.4, pp.582-601. (SCI, EI, SSCI)
  33. Wong W. K., Yang H. H., Chan B. Y., Hsu S. C., 2007, From the Visualization of Proof Tree to the Reading and Comprehension of Proofs, WSEAS transactions on information science and applications, Vol.4, pp.680-686. (EI)
  34. Chien-Yue Chen, Wing-Kwong Wong, Tsung-Lun Lin, Ching-Huang Lin, 2007, A novel wavelet-based multi-resolution skeleton extraction from a moiré image, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, Vol.4, No.3, pp.38-44. (EI)
  35. Wong, W. K., Lee, J. H., Yang, Y. F., Yeh, H. C., Chiao, C. P., and Hsu, S. C., 2006, A Computer-Assisted Environment on Referential Understanding to Enhance Academic Reading Comprehension., In Q. Yang and G. Webb (Eds.), PRICAI 2006: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4099, pp.1119-1124. (SCI)(NSC94-2524-S-224-001 NSC94-2520-S-224-001)
  36. Hsu, S. C., Wong, W. K., Wu, S. H., Yang, H. H., Hsu, W. L., 2006, A Web-Based Diagnosis System with Cognitive Knowledge for Problem Posing, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.7, No.4, pp.25-33. (EI)(NSC94-2524-S-224-001 NSC94-2524-S-224-002)
  37. Hsu, S. C., Day, M. Y., Wu, S. H., Wong, W. K. and Hsu, W. L., 2006, Designing a Tutoring Agent for Facilitating Collaborative Learning with Instant Messaging, In M. Ikeda, K. D. Ashley, T. W. Chan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4053, pp.689-691. (SCI)(NSC94-2524-S-224-002)
  38. Wong, W. K., Hsu, S. C., Wu, S. H., & Hsu, W. L., 2006, Cognitive knowledge representation and mechanism for comprehending geometry word problems, WSEAS Transactions of Computers, Vol. 5, pp. 306-313. (EI)(NSC94-2520-S-224-001)
  39. 黃永廣, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 蘇順隆, 殷聖楷, 楊晰勛, 陳亦媛, 2004, 訓練歸納與學習幾何概念的數位環境之鷹架輔助, 全球華人計算機教育應用學報, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 31-43.
  40. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Chan, Tak-Wai, Chou, Chih-Yueh, Heh, Jia-Sheng, and Tung, Sho-Huan, 2003, Reciprocal tutoring using cognitive tools, Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 416-428. (SSCI)
  41. Tung, Sho-Huan, Chang, Ching-Tao, Wong, Wing-Kwong, and Jehng, Jihn-Chang, 2001, Visual representations for recursion, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 285-300. (SSCI)
  42. 黃永廣, 呂志宗, 楊晰勛, 2000, 中文程式語言 Clogo 的網路學習環境與互動學習網頁設計, 遠距教育, No. 13-14, pp. 46-62.
  43. Wong, Wing-Kwong, 2000, Learning physics with a personal computer experiment kit: From data acquisition and analysis to hypothesis formulation and testing, NSC Proceedings Part D, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 126-136.
  44. 陳俊宏, 黃永廣, 1997, Buddy:自由交談式的 LISP Recursion 學習環境, 國立雲林技術學院學報, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 107-120.
  45. Wong, W. K. and Chan, T. W., 1997, A multimedia authoring system for crafting topic hierarchy,learning strategies,and intelligent models, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Vol. 8, pp. 71-96.
  1. 黃永廣, 范長維, 2020, 視覺辨識積木圖案與重建圖案之行動機器人, 第十屆網路智能與應用研討會, 2020/07/31-2020/08/01, 台灣網路智能學會, 雲林斗六, pp.32. (MOST 108-2511-H-224 -007 -MY3)
  2. 黃永廣, 魏廷昇, 張鈺祥, 2020, 社交機器人之模擬與應用, 第十屆網路智能與應用研討會, 2020/07/31-2020/08/01, 台灣網路智能學會, 雲林斗六, pp.32. (MOST 108-2511-H-224 -007 -MY3)
  3. Wing-Kwong Wong and Cheng-Sheng Lee, 2020, An Implementation of Face Recognition with Deep Learning based on a Container-Orchestration Platform, International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks, 2020/02/07-08, 國立中正大學, 嘉義市.
  4. Wong, W. K., Kuo, W. J., Wei, T. S., Chen, K. P., 2019, Learning Conversation with a Mobile Robot, 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Workshop on Computer-Supported Personalized and Collaborative Learning, 2019/12/02-06, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Kenting, Pingtung County.
  5. Wong, W. K., Wu, D. J., Chen, K. P., 2019, Biomorphic Robots in a First-year Engineering Course, International Conference on Open and Innovative Education, 2019/07/10-12, The Open University of Hong Kong, 香港.
  6. 孫明傑, 黃永廣, 楊晰勛, 洪肇嘉, 2019, 跨領域學生合作之困難:以製作化學災害應變手機遊戲為案例, 第十四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 2019/03/21-22, 國立雲林科技大學技術及職業教育研究所、國立成功大學工程科學系, 斗六市,國立雲林科技大學. (MOST 107-2511-H-224-001 -)
  7. Sei-Wo Tseng, Wing-Kwong Wong, Fendi Rusly, 2019, THE DESIGN OF AN INDOOR GARDENING TABLE GAME TO IMPROVE THE ATTENTION OF ELDERS WITH DEMENTIA, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019, 2019/01/27-29, International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention (IIKII), Singapore.
  8. Wong, W. K., Lin, C. H., & Chen, K. P., 2018, Spoonbill Game on Android Devices for Ecological Education, 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2018/07/09-13, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, pp.143-145. (MOST 103-2511-S-224 -005 -MY3)
  9. 黃永廣, 許耕維, 2018, 三相無刷馬達驅動程式之改良, 2018 光電與智慧電子研討會, 2018/06/01, 健行科大, 中壢市,健行科大. (MOST 107-2511-H-224-001)
  10. 沈佳緯, 黃永廣, 2018, 物聯網與數位影像處理應用, 2018 光電與智慧電子研討會, 2018/06/01, 健行科大, 中壢市,健行科大. (MOST 107-2511-H-224-001)
  11. 黃永廣, 顧佳瑋, 2018, 基礎電磁學實驗量測與建模平台之開發, 2018 光電與智慧電子研討會, 2018/06/01, 健行科大, 中壢市,健行科大. (MOST 107-2511-H-224-001)
  12. 劉騏輔, 黃永廣, 2018, 樹莓派量測運算放大器實驗與建模, 2018 光電與智慧電子研討會, 2018/06/01, 健行科大, 中壢市,健行科大. (MOST 107-2511-H-224-001)
  13. Wing-Kwong Wong, 2017, A Maker Approach to Teaching Operating Systems with Raspberry Pi, International conference on open and innovative education, 2017/07/12-14, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  14. 黃永廣, 陳宏哲, 2017, 自造兩輪平衡車的Simulink課程, 智慧生活及物聯網技術研討會, 2017/06/20, 健行科技大學, 中壢.
  15. 黃永廣, 蔡孟懷, 2017, 比較有無即時作業系統的平衡車之效能評量, 智慧生活及物聯網技術研討會, 2017/06/20, 健行科技大學, 中壢.
  16. 黃永廣, 陳俊嘉, 2017, 使用樹梅派的影像辨識抓球機器人, 智慧生活及物聯網技術研討會, 2017/06/20, 健行科技大學, 中壢.
  17. Wei-Hong Ruan, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2017, A Datapath Visualizer for LC-3 Program Running on FPGA, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 2017/06/03-06, Global Chinese Society for Computersin Education, 北京.
  18. Wing-Kwong Wong, Kai-Ping Chen, Jia-Wei Lin, 2017, Real time data logging and online modeling with Raspberry Pi, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 2017/05/13-17, IEEE Tainan Section Sensors Council, Sapporo. (樹莓派高中物理實驗平台之設計與開發)
  19. Hsi-Hsun Yang, Kuan-Jung Liao, Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Wei-Te Liu, 2016, The Effects of Communication Problems of Interdisciplinary Team on Teamwork Quality of Mobile Game Development, The 24th International Conference on Computers in Education, Workshop of Innovative Teaching and Training in the Design of Digital Games, 2016/11/28-2016/12/02, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Bombay. (嚴肅遊戲之工程與設計創意人才培育)
  20. Wing-Kwong WONG, Wei-Te LIU, Sheng-Kai YIN, Hsi-Hsun YANG, Tsung-Kai CHAO, 2016, Multidisciplinary Collaboration on Mobile Game Development for Engineering Education, The 24th International Conference on Computers in Education, Workshop of Innovative Teaching and Training in the Design of Digital Games, 2016/11/28-2016/12/02, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Bombay.
  21. Wing-Kwong Wong and Chang-Hong Chen, 2016, 影像辨識機器人的雲端運算與本地運算之比較, 2016年雲端計算與大數據研討會, 2016/07/07-08, 中山大學, 中山大學,高雄市.
  22. Wing-Kwong Wong, Wei-Te Liu, Sheng-Kai Yin, Hsi-Hsun Yang and Tsung-Kai Chao, 2016, Collaboration of Multidisciplinary Students on the Development of Mobile Games, The Third International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, 2016/07/06-08, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (MOST 103-2511-S-224 -005 –MY3)
  23. 黃永廣, 林嘉偉, 2016, 行動裝置融入科學實驗之研究, 2016 ICEET 數位學習與教育科技國際研討會, 2016/06/01, 高雄市政府教育局, 高雄國際會議中心. (使用行動科技於高中物理實驗課程)
  24. 殷聖楷, 黃永廣, 劉威德, 楊晰勛, 楊智傑, 劉豐榮, 2015, 數位遊戲設計教育的翻轉與創新─以遊戲企劃課程為例, 民生電子研討會, 2015/11/28, 建國科技大學, 彰化市. (嚴肅遊戲之工程與設計創意人才培育)
  25. Wei-Te LIU, Wing-Kwong Wong, Chien-Ju Chung, Sheng-Kai Yen, Shi-Shiun YANG, 2015, Modeling Creative Design of Serious Games by Students from Engineering and Design College, The International Conference on Economic Transition and TVET Development, 2015/10/24-26, 華東師範大學, 上海, pp.1-19. (嚴肅遊戲之工程與設計創意人才培育)
  26. 1. Wing-Kwong Wong, Bo-Sing Guo, Tsung-Kai Chao, Chao-Jung Wu, Yunn-Wen Lien, 2015, A study of high school students doing physics experiments with Arduino and other data logging devices, The Second International Conference on Open and Flexible Education, 2015/07/16-17, The Open University of Hong Kong, The Open University of Hong Kong, pp.123-134. (使用行動科技於高中物理實驗課程)
  27. 黃永廣, 陳柏均, 2014, 立體摺紙系統之應用, 第六屆科技與數學教育國際學術研討會暨數學教學工作坊, 2014/05/26, 國立台中教育大學, 台中市. (98-2511-S-224-005-MY3)
  28. 趙崇凱, 楊秉勳, 黃永廣, 殷聖楷, 2013, Using an Android Smartphone for Robotic Image Recognition, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2013), 2013/12/12-14, 正修科技大學, 高雄市,正修科技大學, pp.293. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  29. 黃永廣, 陳柏榕, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 趙崇凱, 2013, 由數據到公式:高中生科學公式推導能力訓練之研究, 科技與數學教育國際學術研討會暨數學教學工作坊, 2013/06/08-09, 國立台中教育大學, 台中市,國立台中教育大學. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  30. 陳聖翰, 黃永廣, 2013, 應用Android裝置控制Arduino機器人, 數位內容與多媒體應用研討會, 2013/05/31, 育達商業科技大學, 苗栗縣,育達商業科技大學. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  31. 侯承安, 黃永廣, 2013, 配備手機遙控鏡頭之小型飛行器, 自由軟體與教育科技會議, 2013/04/26, 銘傳大學, 台北市,銘傳大學. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  32. Yuan-Jhang Liao, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2012, Using LC-3 soft core on an FPGA development board for microprocessor labs, First International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, 2012/12/13-15, National Changua University of Education, ChuangHua, Taiwan.
  33. Wing-Kwong Wong, Tsung-Kai Chao, Yunn-Wen Lien, Chao-Jung Wu, 2012, Rediscovering scientific laws in high school physics labs with mobile devices, Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, 2012/11/26-30, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Singapore. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  34. 黃永廣, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 詹仁傑, 趙崇凱, 李佩璇, 潘思羽, 2012, 數學建模與推理能力之線上學習平台, 數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會, 2012/04/13-14, 教育部, 國科會科教處數位合作學習與個人化學習特別興趣小組, 桃園,中央大學.
  35. 陳必鋼, 許仲佑, 黃永廣, 2012, 表面體素化演算法實現於異質多核心平台, 數位媒體教學應用研討會, 2012/03/23, 明道大學數位設計學系, 彰化縣,明道大學, pp.58-66. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  36. 殷聖楷, 黃永廣, 陳俊廷, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 2012, InduLab:具示範實驗策略代理人之自我探索規則學習環境, 數位媒體教學應用研討會, 2012/03/23, 明道大學數位設計學系, 彰化縣,明道大學, pp.172-181. (以函數關係發現為基礎之物理實驗與探究)
  37. 張智俊, 黃永廣, 陳柏宇, 2012, 智慧型手機平台上的3D摺紙系統, 數位媒體教學應用研討會, 2012/03/23, 明道大學數位設計學系, 彰化縣,明道大學, pp.42-49. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  38. 徐偉翔, 黃永廣, 2012, 應用SOPC軟硬體協同設計於影像追蹤, 數位媒體教學應用研討會, 2012/03/23, 明道大學數位設計學系, 彰化縣,明道大學, pp.30-35. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  39. 鄧清丰, 黃永廣, 2012, 應用語音辨識程式去控制多媒體撥放, 數位媒體教學應用研討會, 2012/03/23, 明道大學數位設計學系, 彰化縣,明道大學, pp.13-21. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  40. Wing-Kwong Wong, Jia-Ming Xu, Tsung-Kai Chao, 2011, Using Android mobile device for physics experiments and inquiry, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2011/11/28-2011/12/02, APSCE, Chiangmai. (100-2511-S-224-001)
  41. Wing-Kwong Wong, Kai-Jie Jhuang, Yunn-Wen Lien, Chao-Jung Wu, 2011, A computer-assisted environment for learning function finding, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2011/11/28-2011/12/02, APSCE, Chiangmai. (100-2511-S-224-001-)
  42. Wing-Kwong Wong, Hsin-Yu Chen, Chung-You Hsu, Tsung-Kai Chao, 2011, Reinforcement Learning of Robotic Motion with Genetic Programming, Simulated Annealing and Self-Organizing Map, International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2011/11/11-13, TAAI, Chungli, Taoyuen County, pp.292-298. (100-2511-S-224-001-)
  43. 黃永廣, 2010, Web-based Interactive Module with Multiple Representations for Learning Geometry Theorem Proving, International Computer Symposium, 2010/12/16-18, 成功大學, 台南市, pp.177-182. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  44. Wei, Jin-Cyuan, Jai, Yu-Shian Jai and Wong, Wing-Kwong, 2010, Robotic Applications with FPGA Implementation of Java Virtual Machine, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and System, 2010/12/16-18, Global Society for Emerging Technologies (GSET), USA; 南台科技大學, 南台科技大學, pp.316-321. (培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究-培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究)
  45. Chang, Hsu-Sheng, Jhan, Ren-Jie and Wong, Wing-Kwong, 2010, Using a Compass for the Localization of a Robot with PID Control, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and System, 2010/12/16-18, Global Society for Emerging Technologies (GSET), USA; 南台科技大學, 南台科技大學, pp.305-310. (培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究-培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究)
  46. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Yang, Mei-Ling and Chao, Tsung-Kai, 2010, A Language Learning System with Automatic Feedback: An Application Based on an English-Chinese Parallel Corpus, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2010/11/29-2010/12/03, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Putrajaya, pp.181-185. (自然語言處理技術支援之學習科技)
  47. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Yin, Sheng-Kai, Yang, Chang-Zhe, 2010, Drawing Dynamic Geometry Figures with Natural Language, International Conference on Computers in Education, 2010/11/29-2010/12/03, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Putrajaya, pp.81-85. (學習幾何論證之多重表徵及探究模式的數位環境)
  48. Wing-Kwong Wong and Fu-Hsien Lin, 2010, Evaluation of Two Operating Systems for Lego Mindstorms NXT, The 16th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies, 2010/10/18-19, Taiwan IC Design Society, Taipei. (培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究-培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究)
  49. Chi-Chu Pan, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2009, Visual Identification of Targets by a Mobile Robot with a Video Camera, International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, 2009/12/17-19, National Formosa University, Yunlin, pp.135-139.
  50. Bi-Gang Chen, Wing-Kwong Wong, Hsiang-Hua Chung, 2009, A Prototype of Wireless Monitoring of ECG Signals, International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, 2009/12/17-19, National Formosa University, Yunlin, pp.130-134.
  51. Wei-Hsiang Hsu, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2009, Wireless Control of a Mobile Robot with Speech Recognition, International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, 2009/12/17-19, National Formosa University, Yunlin, pp.125-129.
  52. Wing-Kwong Wong, Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Chin Yeh, Jia-Jheng Cheng, 2009, A computer-assisted environment for a learning community of writing with reciprocal editing, The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2009/11/30-2009/12/04, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, pp.301-305. (NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  53. Wing-Kwong Wong, Chang-Zhe Yang, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2009, A computer-assisted learning system for exploring geometry conjectures online, The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, 2009/11/30-2009/12/04, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, pp.167-169. (NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  54. 黃永廣, 林明德, 趙崇凱, 許勝程, 2009, 理解數學應用題的知識工程, 第十四屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 2009/10/30-31, 朝陽科技大學資訊管理系, 台中縣,朝陽科技大學, pp.24. (95-1094-2)
  55. 黃永廣, 程嘉政, 楊育芬及葉惠菁, 2009, 支援互惠式寫作社群之數位學習環境, CITE資訊科技教育會議, 2009/03/05-07, 香港大學, 香港.
  56. 黃永廣, 趙崇凱, 楊育芬及葉惠菁, 2009, 提升閱讀理解能力之線上互惠式教學, CITE資訊科技教育會議, 2009/03/05-07, 香港大學, 香港.
  57. 黃永廣, 陳建宏, 連韻文及吳昭容, 2009, 科學探究的數位學習環境:收集資料、產生假設與假設檢查之訓練, CITE資訊科技教育會議, 2009/03/05-07, 香港大學, 香港. (培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究)
  58. 黃永廣, 林明德及許勝程, 2009, 一個應用於自然語言理解的知識工程工具, CITE資訊科技教育會議, 2009/03/05-07, 香港大學, 香港. (動態幾何與證明的數位輔助學習環境之研究)
  59. 黃永廣, 鄭奇政, 葉惠菁及楊育芬, 2009, 網站內容管理系統:探討線上學習歷程之研究, CITE資訊科技教育會議, 2009/03/05-07, 香港大學, 香港.
  60. Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, Chang-Zhe Yang, 2009, A computer-assisted learning system for exploring conjectures with dynamic geometry and natural language understanding, The CITE Research Symposium (CITERS), 2009/03/05-07, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (動態幾何與證明的數位輔助學習環境之研究)
  61. Wing-Kwong Wong, Yu-Hao Li, Sheng-Cheng Hsu, Sheng-Kai Yin, Hsi-Hsun Yang, 2008, An authoring tool for preparing online theorems and proofs with a dynamic geometry environment, In Proceedings of International Conference of Computers in Education (ICCE), 2008/10/27-31, Taipei, pp.159-164. (NSC 95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  62. 林緯倫, 劉蓓蓓, 連韻文, 陳鼎叡, 黃永廣, 吳昭容與殷聖楷, 2008, 國小學童科學推理能力提升之理論與應用, 第47屆台灣心理學年會, 2008/10/01-02, 中華民國心理學會, 台北市,師大. (培養學童科學發現與創造力的數位學習環境之研究)
  63. Wing-Kwong Wong, Han-Hung Chen, Sheng-Cheng Hsu, 2007, Reinforcement Learning for Training a Computer Program of Chinese Chess, The 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Yunlin. (NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3 and NSC96-2524-S-224-001)
  64. Wing-Kwong Wong, Chun-Wei Huang, Po-Yu Chen, Hsi-Hsun Yang, Sheng-Cheng Hsu, Shih-Hung Wu, 2007, A Computer-assisted Environment for Understanding Geometry Theorem Proving Problems and Making Conjectures, The 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Yunlin. (NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3 and NSC96-2524-S-224-001, 最佳論文入圍獎)
  65. 陳建宇, 伍麗樵, 黃永廣, 劉奕成, 李柏翰, 康浩銓, 林宗倫, 2007, 腦波即時分析小波晶片之雛形設計, 2007年雛型系統與電路設計創新應用研討會, 2007/09/28, 台南市, 崑山科技大學.
  66. 陳建宇, 黃永廣, 廖允在, 2007, Wavelet-based real time electroencephalography monitoring system, 2007年工程科技與中西醫藥應用研討會, 2007/05/27, 台中市,中興大學.
  67. Wong, W. K., Yin, S. K., Hong, Z. H., Shen, W. L., 2006, Sentence and word alignment of English-Chinese paragraphs with lexical translations, In Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2006/12/15-16, Kaohsiung. (NSC94-2520-S-224-001)
  68. Wong, W. K., Yang, H. H., Chan, C. H., 2006, A mechanized inference system for understanding theorem proving, In Proceedings the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2006/12/15-16, Kaoshiung. (NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  69. Yang, H. H., Wong, W. K., Chan, B. Y., 2006, Using computer-assisted instruction for the visualization of proof tree to improve the reading comprehension of geometry proofs, International Computer Symposium, 2006/12/04-06, Taipei. (NSC94-2520-S-224-001 NSC95-2520-S-224-001-MY3)
  70. 黃永廣, 嚴貞, 何峯育, 2006, 如何滿足設計師圖庫管理需求-個人化圖層分類系統之實作, 設計研討會, 2006/11/04, 台中, 台中技術學院.
  71. 陳建宇, 黃永廣, 林宗倫, 2006, 脈搏疊紋影像特徵化與3D動態脈搏電腦成像之研究, 國際醫學資訊研討會暨亞太醫學資訊國際學術訊研討, 2006/10/28-31, 台北, 台北醫學大學. (NSC95-2614-B-224-001)
  72. 陳建宇, 黃永廣, 廖允在, 2006, 奈米檢測技術E化教學平台之設計, 台灣教育學術研討會, 2006/10/20-21, 花蓮, 花蓮教育大學. (NSC94-2524-S-224-002)
  73. 劉宜芳, 吳昭容, 黃永廣, 2006, 兒童在發現式數位學習介面下的規則發現與假設考驗, 台灣心理學會第45屆年會, 2006/09/30-2006/10/01, 台北, 東吳大學. (NSC94-2524-S-224-001)
  74. Wu, C. J., Wong, W. K., Cheng, Y. H., & Lien, Y. W., 2006, Generating and evaluating geometry conjectures with self-directed experiments, In Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2006/07/16-21, Prague, Charles University. (NSC94-2524-S-224-001 NSC94-2524-S-224-002)
  75. 黃永廣, 張文獻, 陳柏宇, 楊晰勛, 殷聖楷, 2006, 輔助理解幾何證明之數位學習環境, 第十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會, 2006/06/02-05, 北京市, 清華大學. (NSC94-2520-S-224-001)
  76. Wong, W. K., Fang, B. W., Chen, B. Y., Yin, S. K., Yang, H. H., 2006, A dynamic geometry environment for theorem proving supported by various computer algebra systems, In Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education, 2006/06/02-05, Tsinghua University, Beijing. (NSC94-2520-S-224-001)
  77. Wong, W. K., Hsu, S. C., Wu, S. H., Hsu, W. L., 2005, Cognitive Approach to Comprehending Geometry Word Problems. Presented at the Summer Institute, Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology, Toronto(OISE/University of Toronto).
  78. Wong, W. K., Chen, B. Y., and Yin, S. K., 2005, An Instructional Model for Learning Theorem Proving with Dynamic Geometry Environment, In Proceedings of International Conference of Computers in Education, pp. 934-937.
  79. Wong, W. K., Wang W. Y., Chen, B. Y. and Yin, S. K., 2005, Designing 2D and 3D Shape Grammars with Logic Programming, The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2005/12/02-03, 高雄市,高雄大學. (NSC94-2520-S-224-001, NSC94-2524-S-224-001 & NSC94-2524-S-224-002)
  80. Li, Z. J., Wong, W. K., Yen, J., 2005, A study of texture generation in digital fonts, To be presented in International Design Congress, 2005/10/29-2005/11/04, Douliu,Yunlin.
  81. Hu, H. J., Lee, W. P., Wong, W. K., Yen, J., 2005, Computational methods of planar shape design, To be presented in International Design Congress, 2005/10/29-2005/11/04, Douliu,Yunlin.
  82. Wong, W. K., Chen, B. Y., Yin, S. K., 2005, A Dynamic Geometry Environment for Learning Theorem Proving, In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005/07/07-08, Kaohsiung.
  83. Hsu, S. C., Wu, S. H., Wong, W. K., Yang, H. H., & Hsu, W. L., 2005, The Design of a Diagnosis System for Problem Posing, In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), 2005/07/05-08, Kaoshiung.
  84. 黃永廣, 楊晰勛, 劉耀鴻, 2005, 電腦輔助幾何論證學習環境:幾何定理視覺化、證明自動化與視覺化, 第九屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會, 2005/06/07-08, 夏威夷(Bringham Young University at Hawaii).
  85. 黃永廣, 何峰育, 2005, 使用影像資料庫之圖層檢索與組合, 數位設計研討會, 2005/04/12, 國立台中技術學院, pp. 471-478.
  86. Wong, W. K., Chen, Y. C. and Yin, S. K., 2004, A User-Assisted Geometry Theorem Prover with Proof Visualization, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2004/11/30-2004/12/03, Melbourne, pp. 279-286.
  87. Wong, W. K. and Cho, C. T., 2004, A Computational Environment for Learning: Basic Shape Grammars, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2004/11/30-2004/12/03, Melbourne, pp. 287-292.
  88. 黃永廣, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 蘇順隆, 殷聖楷, 楊晰勛, 陳亦媛, 2004, 訓練歸納與學習幾何概念的數位環境之鷹架輔助, 第八屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會, 2004/05/31-2004/06/03, 香港(中文大學), pp.545-552. (NSC 93-2524-S-224-001,NSC 92-2520-S-224-001, 會議最佳論文獎)
  89. 黃永廣、連韻文、吳昭容、蘇順隆、楊晰勛、殷聖楷、陳亦媛, 2003, InduLab:幾何與歸納的學習環境, 人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會, 2003/12/04-06, 台北(大同大學).
  90. Hong, K. J. and Wong, W. K., 2003, A Corpus-Based Cloze-Test Problem Solving System with Concordancer, The Joint Conference on AI,Fuzzy System,and Grey System, 2003/12/04-06, Taipei(Tatung University).
  91. Wong, W. K., Hsu, S. C., Hsu, W. L., and Cho, C. T., 2003, Computer-assisted Learning Environment with Automated Chinese Word Problem Categorization, Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2003/12/02-05, Hong Kong, pp. 775-783.
  92. 林武聰, 黃永廣, 孫于智, 2003, 線上英語學習環境:應用語料庫, 全國英語教學學術研討會, 2003/05/03, 雲林(國立虎尾技術學院).
  93. 陳相言、洪凱鈞、黃永廣, 2003, 多重序列排序應用線上英語輔助學習 - 以 Concordancer為例, 國際電腦輔助教學研討會 (ICCAI), 2003/04/24-26, 台北(台灣師範大學).
  94. 許勝程、卓錦堂、黃永廣, 2003, 小學應用題為分類核心的電腦輔助學習環境, 國際電腦輔助教學研討會 (ICCAI), 2003/04/24-26, 台北(台灣師範大學).
  95. 黃永廣, 連韻文, 吳昭容, 蘇順隆, 李俊岳, 陳亦媛, 吳佳瑾, 許勝程, 2002, 研究孩童歸納能力的電腦輔助學習環境, 第七屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 2002/11/15, 台中(朝陽科技大學), pp. 606-611.
  96. 張礎鴻, 黃永廣, 蘇順隆, 2001, 中文物件導向語言之設計與實現, 全球華人學習科技研討會(論文集), 桃園(中央大學), pp. 948-955.
  97. 林嵩智、張礎鴻、黃永廣、許聞廉、許勝程, 2001, 幾何與物理文字題之理解與求解, 人工智慧與應用研討會(論文集), 高雄(中山大學), pp. 681-686.
  98. 林嵩智, 黃永廣, 許聞廉, 吳世弘, 2001, 理解幾何文字題之學習環境, 全球華人學習科技研討會(論文集), 桃園(中央大學), pp. 411-418.
  99. 鄧易展, 黃永廣, 陳建志, 2000, 全球資訊網之中文函式繪圖工具 Clogo, 網際網路與分散式系統研討會(論文集), 成功大學, pp. 631-634.
  100. 楊晰勛, 黃永廣, 楊聰仁, 2000, 中文程式語言 Clogo 應用於國小數學與電腦教育之試探性研究, 全球華人教育資訊科技大會, 新加坡大學, pp. 995-1002.
  101. 黃永廣, 陳信吉, 張明華, 2000, Clogo 互動式選擇題網頁之設計, 全球華人教育資訊科技大會, 新加坡大學, pp. 943-956.
  102. 陳建志, 鄧易展, 黃永廣, 2000, 物理實驗之網路學習環境, 網際網路與分散式系統研討會(論文集), 台南(成功大學), pp. 474-478.
  103. 張明華, 黃永廣, 楊晰勛, 2000, 幾何知識庫與自然語言代理人, 網際網路與分散式系統研討會(論文集), 台南(成功大學), pp. 624-630.
  104. 黃永廣, 呂志宗, 楊晰勛, 1999, CLogo 網路學習環境, 特殊教育應用資訊教學研討會邀請演講, 台北(台北市立師範學院).
  105. 李藻育, 黃永廣, 1999, 電腦與物理實驗較具之整合, 第 8 屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 逢甲大學.
  106. 呂志宗, 黃永廣, 1999, 海龜教室:互動式教學圖文網頁的編輯工具, 第8屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 逢甲大學.
  107. Wong, Wong-Kwong, Chiu, Chao-Nan, Lu, and Chih-Tsung, 1999, CLogo for Authoring Interactive Figures on WWW: Understanding Chinese textual description of geometric objects, In Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Macao (University of Macau), pp. 395-399.
  108. Wong, Wong-Kwong, 1999, Chinese Logo and Its Drawing Tool on WWW, In Proceedings of EuroLogo, Sofia, pp. 389-394.
  109. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Chiu, Chao-Nan, Yang, His-Hsun, 1999, COOL: A Chinese object-oriented language for knowledge representation of geometric figures, In Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, Taipei(TamKang University), pp. B344-B349.
  110. Wong, Wing-Kwong, 1998, An environment for learning Chinese Logo programming, In Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computer in Education, Hong Kong(Chinese University), pp. 404-409.
  111. Wong, W. K., Chan, T. W., Pai, S. T., Wang, Y. K., Chen, Y. S., and Hsu, W. L., 1998, Natural Language Educational Agents in a Networked Chinese Logo Learning Environment, Proceedings of ICCE, Beijing, pp. 220-227.
  112. 陳德懷, 鄭晉昌, 黃永廣, 賀嘉生, 夏延德, 1997, LISA: 全球教學網, 海峽兩岸青年學者論壇, 南京東南大學.
  113. 白順濤, 黃永廣, 1997, 全中文化 Logo 與輔助學習的智慧型代理人, 中華民國第 13 屆科學教育學術研討會, 國立台灣師範大學, pp. 386-391.
  114. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Hsu, C., Chen, J. I., and Yu, J. C., 1997, A Simple Heuristic Approach for Word Segmentation, Proceedings of the International Conference of Research on Computational Linguistics, Taipei, pp. 257-261.
  115. Wong, Wing-Kwong and Chan, Tak-Wai, 1997, Some reflections on social learning models. Workshop on Collaborative learning/working support system with networking, AI-ED 97, Kobe.
  116. Tung, S. H. S., Wong, W. K., and Jehng, J. C., 1997, Semantic-Based Visualization of Recursion, In Proceedings of International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing, Taipei, pp. 515-520.
  117. Chan, T. W., Wong, W. K., Jehng, J. C., and Heh, J. S., 1997, A Model of World-Wide Education Web, International Conference on Computers in Education, Sarawak.
  118. Wong, Wing-Kwong, Chan, Tak-Wai, Cheng, Y. S., and Peng, S. S., 1996, A multimedia authoring system for building intelligent learning systems, In Proceedings of the Ed-Media 96 Conference, Boston, pp. 708-713.
  119. 彭釋賢, 陳德懷, 黃永廣, 劉寶鈞, 1995, 智慧型多媒體教育軟體發展系統, 第 4 屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會(論文集), 新竹(交通大學).
  120. Wong, Wing-Kwong C., 1993, Logic Programming and Deductive Databases for Genomic Computations: A comparison between Prolog and LDL, In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, pp. 834-843.
  121. Wong, Wing-Kwong C., 1993, A Cognitive Model for Understanding Linguistic Connotations and Their Inferences, In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference of Computers in Education---Applications of intelligent computer technologies, Taipei, pp. 83-88.
  122. Wong, Wing-Kwong C., 1991, A Computational Model of Connotation-Based Revision, In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago,Illinois, pp. 346-351.
  1. Wing-Kwong Wong, Bo-Sing Guo, Tsung-Kai Chao, Chao-Jung Wu, Yunn-Wen Lien, 2018, Innovations in Open and Flexible Education, A Study of High School Students Doing Physics Experiments with Arduino and Other Data-Logging Devices, Springer, Singapore, pp. 253-264. (ISBN:978-981-10-7994-8)
  2. Yu-Ching Su, Ming-Chang Chen, Wing-Kwong Wong, 2015, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES2014), A matrix robot for block stacking, Springer, pp.293-300. (102-2511-S-224-002-MY2)
  3. 黃永廣, 吳昭容, 連韻文, 2014, 數學數位學習, 國小學童如何以自主式實驗發現幾何規律:數位學習工具InduLab的發展與成效評估, 高等教育文化事業有限公司, 台北市, pp.201-225. (ISBN:978-986-266-097-3)
  4. Wing-Kwong Wong, Tsung-Kai Chao, Pin-Ren Chen, Yunn-Wen Lien, Chao-Jung Wu, 2014, Emerging Issues in Smart Learning, Mobile Devices and a Modelling Tool for Physics Experiments in High School, Springer, Berlin, pp.239-246. (ISBN:978-3-662-44188-6)
  5. Tsung-Kai Chao, Bing-Shiun Yang, Wing-Kwong Wong, Sheng-Kai Yin, 2014, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES2013), Using an Android Smartphone for Robotic Image Recognition, Springer, pp.33-40. (ISBN:978-3-319-04573-3)
  6. 陳建宇, 黃永廣, 廖允在, 何秉諺, 2007, 慈濟大學醫學資訊特刊, 古典與電子音樂對腦波影響之研究, 慈濟大學出版, 花蓮, pp.373-386.
  1. 黃永廣, 1997, 從對話資料去模擬學習同伴, 86 年度智慧型電腦輔助學習專題研究計畫成果報告.
  2. 黃永廣, 1996, 「討論小子」:思考,溝通與社交的學習環境, 85 年度智慧型電腦輔助學習專題研究計畫成果報告.
  3. 黃永廣, 1995, 「討論小子」:思考,溝通與社交的學習環境, 84 年度智慧型電腦輔助學習專題研究計畫成果報告.
  4. 吳德和, 黃永廣, 張彥華, 丁倩玉, 1994, 經濟部工業局傳統工業產品升級規劃計劃, 信多企業有限公司產品升級規劃診斷報告.


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