Department of Electronic Engineering

Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Professor

  • Title/Professor
  • Tel/(05)5342601#4346 / (05)5312063
  • Room/ES1006
  • Laboratory/Cross-disciplinary System and Biomedical Application Design Lab. ES1011b (#4374), Interactive Application System Development Lab. ES911
  • Education/PhD, Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University
  • Specialty/Chip Desig, Integrated System Design, Biomedical Application Systems & Medical Device Design, Image Detection & Applications


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  1. Yuanyuan Wang, Shota Kokubu, Zhongchao Zhou, Xinyao Guo, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Wenwei Yu, 2021, Designing Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Thumb Movements, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.6, No.4, pp.8450-8457. (SCIE)
  2. Po-Cheng Su, Ya-Hsin Hsueh , Ming-Ta Ke, Jyun-Jhe Chen, and Ping-Chen Lai, 2021, Noncontact ECG Monitoring by Capacitive Coupling of Textiles in a Chair, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2021, Article ID 6698567. (SCIE)
  3. Ya-Hsin Hsueh; Po-Cheng Su; Ming-Ta Ke; Hsiang-Lung Huang; Min-Xiang Chiang; Meng-Han Chiang; Bo-Yuan Su, 2021, Campus Epidemic Prevention System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, early access. (SCI, SCIE)
  4. 5. M.-H. Sheu, S. M. S. Morsalin, C.-M. Tsai, C.-J. Yang, S.-C. Hsia, Y.-H. Hsueh, J.-F. Lin, and C.-Y. Chang, 2021, Stable Local Bit-Line 6 T SRAM Architecture Design for Low-Voltage Operation and Access Enhancement, Electronics, Vol.10, No.6, pp.685. (SCIE)
  5. C.-C. Wang, L. K. S. Tolentino, P.-C. Chen, J. R. E. Hizon, C.-K. Yen, C.-T. Pan, and Y.-H. Hsueh, 2021, A 40-nm CMOS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting IC for Wearable Biomedical Applications, Electronics, Vol. 10, No.6, p. 649. (SCIE)
  6. Chi-Ling Lo, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chun-Hou Wang, Hsiao-Yun Chang, 2021, Comparison of the Acute Effects of Kinesio Taping and Sleeper Stretching on the Shoulder Rotation Range of Motion, Manual Muscle Strength, and Sub-Acromial Space in Pitchers with Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit, Medicina, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 102. (SCIE)
  7. 蔡佩芸, 陳浩維, 陳崴智, 薛雅馨, 張曉昀, 2018, 骨性結構及肌結構之局部振動對於健康者之下肢平衡及重心的影響【論文摘要】, 物理治療, Vol.43, No.2, pp.182.
  8. Chieh Yin, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chun-Yu Yeh, Hsin-Chang Lo, and Yi-Ting Lan, 2016, A Virtual Reality-Cycling Training System for Lower Limb Balance Improvement, BioMed Research International, Vol. 2016, Article ID 9276508, pp. 1-10. (SCI, EI, SCIE)
  9. Jian-Cheng Lan, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chung Hung, 2015, Integrated chip of capacitive three-axis accelerometer and sensing circuit, Electronics Letters, Vol. 51, Issue: 20, pp.1576 - 1578. (SCI, EI)
  10. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chieh Yin, Yan-Hong Chen, 2015, Hardware System for Real-Time EMG Signal Acquisition and Separation Processing during Electrical Stimulation, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 39, No. 88, pp.1-8. (SCI, EI)(NSC 99-2321-B-224 -001,100-2321-B-224 -001,MOST 103-2221-E-224 -014)
  11. 張曉昀, 陳星宇, 薛雅馨, 2015, 棒球選手擊球之軀幹肌群肌電活化:個案研究, 華人運動生物力學期刊, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 8-15.
  12. Chien-Yue Chen, Ming-Da Ke, Cheng-Deng Kuo, Chien-Hsun Huang, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, 2013, The influence of Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation to Female Constipation Patients, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol.42, No.2, pp.301-313. (SCI)
  13. Hsin-Chang Lo, Yung-Chun Hsu, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chun-Yu Yeh, 2012, Cycling Exercise with Functional Electrical Stimulation Improves Postural Control in Stroke Patients, Gait & Posture, Vol.35, pp.506-510. (SCI)
  14. Chua-Chin Wang, Chia-Hao Hsu, Chi-Chun Huang, Tzung-Je Lee, Chien-Chih Hung, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Ron Hu, 2009, High-PSR sync separator for TV signals, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 279-286. (SCI, EI)
  15. Chien-Chih Chen, Zong-Cian He, Ya-Hsin Hsueh,, 2009, An EMG Feedback Control Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling System, The Journal of Signal Processing Systems. (SCI, EI)
  16. C.-C. Wang, T.-J. Lee, Y.-T. Hsiao, U.F.Chio, C.-C. Huang, J.-J.J. Chin, Y.-H. Hsueh;, 2005, A multiparameter implantable microstimulator SOC, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 1399-1402. (SCI, EI)
  17. C.-C. Wang, T.-J. Lee, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-T. Hsiao, and U F. Chio,, 2004, Baseband Design of a Wireless Transceiver for Implantable Neural Interface, Journal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 355-360. (EI)
  18. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and Y.-P. Chen, 2003, An area-Saving decoder structure for ROMs, IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 581-589. (SCI, EI)
  19. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and C.-J. Huang, 2003, A fast bipolar inner product processor chip for associative memory networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 958-961. (SCI, EI)
  20. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, C.-S. Chen, J.-F. Huang, 2002, A low-cost Plasma Display Panel data dispatcher for image enhancement, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 997-1002. (SCI, EI)
  21. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-T. Chien, and Y.-P. Chen, 2002, Design of an inter-plane circuit for clocked PLAs, VLSI Design, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 373-381. (SCI, EI)
  22. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, H.-L. Wu, and C.-F. Wu, 2002, A fast dynamic 64-bit comparator with small transistor count, VLSI Design, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 389-395. (SCI, EI)
  23. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and S.-K. Huang, 2002, An embedded low transistor count 8-bit analog-to-digital converter using a binary searching method, VLSI Design, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 193-202. (SCI, EI)
  1. Ya-Hsin Hsueh ; Po-Cheng Su ; Yi-Fong Lin ; Hsin-Han Huang ; Ting-Chun Liu, 2018, Robot Indoor Navigation Using Visible Light Communication, 2018 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, 2018/10/27-30, Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, 舊金山, pp.1-6.
  2. H.Y. Chang ; Y. H. Hsueh ; C.L. Lo, 2018, Automatic Image-Capture and Angle Tracking System Applied on Functional Movement Screening for Athletes, 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention, 2018/07/23-27, HARRISCO, Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea, 濟州島, pp.106-107.
  3. Ya-Hsin Hsueh ; Hsiao-Ling Feng ; Wen-Ting Chiang ; Chun-YuYeh, 2018, The development of personalized signal feedback stepper and efficiency evaluation for individuals after having a stroke, 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), 2018/07/23-27, HARRISCO, Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea, 濟州島, pp.346-348.
  4. 陳崴智, 蔡佩芸, 陳浩維, 薛雅馨, 張曉昀, 2017, 不同頻率之腓腸肌局部震動對健康者之平衡與柔軟度的影響, 2017臺灣運動生物力學研討會, 2017/11/18, 臺灣運動生物力學學會、國立屏東大學、國立屏東科技大學, 屏東大學.
  5. 王靖宇, 黃郁雯, 黃藍妤, 薛雅馨, 張曉昀, 2017, 智慧型即時影像功能性動作評估系統之效度研究, 2017臺灣運動生物力學研討會, 2017/11/18-19, 臺灣運動生物力學學會、國立屏東大學、國立屏東科技大學, 屏東大學.
  6. Chun-Yu Yeh, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Yen-Chin Lin, Nai-Yuan Shin, 2017, Swallowing Signal Detection System, 12th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE-17), 2017/10/11-13, International Institute of Engineers, Bali, pp. 68.
  7. Po-Cheng Su, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, 2017, VLC Electronic Label for Hypermarket, 9th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering, Computers and Technology, 2017/08/10-11, Engineering & Technology Research Group, Singapore, pp.89-94.
  8. Chien-Cheng Lan and Ya-Hsin Hsueh, 2016, Cluster Headache Suppression System Design, 27th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2016/08/02-05, 臺灣積體電路設計學會, 高雄, CDROM.
  9. 甘博方, 劉庭君, 林裕哲, 薛雅馨, 2015, 眼電訊號偵測用眼鏡與應用, 2015 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2015/11/30, 智慧電子應用設計?盟, 高雄,高應大, CDROM.
  10. 林義峰, 黃信翰, 王碩輝, 陳勤泓, 薛雅馨, 2015, 乘車舒適度檢測系統, 2015 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2015/11/30, 智慧電子應用設計?盟, 高雄,高應大, CDROM.
  11. Chien-Cheng Lan, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Sung-Hua Tsai, Cheng-Han Hsieh, 2015, Intelligent Stretching Exercise Training System, 2nd International conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies (ICIET'2015), 2015/08/07-08, International Institute of Engineers, Bangkok (Thailand), pp.55-57. (MOST 103-2221-E-224 -014)
  12. Hsiao-Yun Chang, Shih-Chung Cheng, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chu-Ling Lo, 2015, THE COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT ELASTIC TENSION OF KINESIO TAPING ON GASTROCNEMIUS MUSCLE ACTIVATION, The 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, 2015/06/29-2015/07/03, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports., Poitiers, France, pp.662-665. (NSC 101-2410-H-040 -015 -MY2 & MOST 103-2410-H-040 -007)
  13. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Zhi-Ying Zoug, Chieh Yin, Hsiao-Yun Chang, Chun-Yu Yeh, 2013, Electromyography Analysis and Fatigue Evaluation of Rectus Abdominis Muscles during Core Exercise, 2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2013/07/02-04, Dept. of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Rome, Italy, pp. 557-560.
  14. Wei-Kan Lee Chi-Yu Kao, Hsiao-Chin Chen, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, 2013, Dual-band transmitter for RFID applications, 2013 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics(ISCE ), 2013/06/03-06, National Chiao Tung University, IEEE CE Society, 新竹, cdrom.
  15. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Po-Yu Chen, Chih-Cheng Chang, Chien-Cheng Lan, 2013, A Frequency to voltage convertor for abnormal heart-rate detection, 生醫工程應用研討會, 2013/02/01-03, 台灣生醫電子工程協會、中正大學, 台南, CDROM.
  16. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Guei-Rong Chen, 2012, Design of High Voltage Digital-to-Analog Converter for Electrical Stimulator, 2012 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (2012 APCCAS), 2012/12/02-05, IEEE CAS, 高雄, pp. 77-80. (100-2221-E-224-077)
  17. Lun-Wei Ku, Cheng-Wei Sun, and Ya-Hsin Hsueh,, 2012, Demonstration of IlluMe: Creating Ambient According to Instant Message Logs, 50th Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2012/07/08-14, Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, pp. 97-102.
  18. Chien-Cheng Lan, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Rong-Yuan Hu, 2012, Real-Time Fall Detecting System Using a Tri-axial Accelerometer for Home Care, 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (iCBEB), 2012/05/28-30, IEEE, University of Macau, Macau, pp.1178-1180.
  19. Yu-Shuo Chang, James I-Chih Chan, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Fong-I Jhou, Li-Chien Yang, Kai-Yuan Liao, Hsuan-Jen Chou, Jian-Syun Lin, David Pei-Cheng Lin, 2011, Alteration of accommodation and vergence parameters before and after a fatigue video game with a 3-D video program, 18th Asia Pacific Optometric Congress, 2011/11/24-26, Asia Pacific Council of Optometry, Singapore, no. 79.
  20. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Hsin-Chang Lo, and Chun-Yu Yeh, 2011, Development of a wearable intelligent EMG-triggered stimulator, 5th World Congress on Bioengineering, 2011/08/19-20, 成功大學, 台南, CD-ROM.
  21. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chieh Yin, Long-Sheng Huan, Hang-Ruei Wun, 2011, Hand Rehabilitation by Using EMG Control Game System, 5th World Congress on Bioengineering, 2011/08/18-21, 成功大學, 台南, CD-ROM.
  22. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chien-Cheng Lan, Jing-Yan Luo, Jhih-Hao Chen, 2011, Simple Rehabilitation System for Upper-Extremity Flexor Pattern, 5th World Congress on Bioengineering, 2011/08/18-21, National Cheng Kung University, 台南, CD-ROM.
  23. Hsin-Chang Lo, Chun-Yu Yeh, Yi-Ting Lan, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chien-Cheng Lan, Chieh Yin, 2011, Ergonomic Design of a Wearable Orthosis with EMG Monitoring and FES System, 5th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011/07/21-23, The Thailand's National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre, Bangkok,, 1C-4.
  24. Chieh Yin, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Chien-Cheng Lan, Jing-Yan Luo, Chun-Yu Yeh, Yi-Ting Lan, Hsin-Chang Lo, 2011, An Ergonomic Sound and Visual System for Hand Rehabilitation, 5th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011/07/21-23, The Thailand's National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre, Bangkok, 1C-3.
  25. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Yan-Siang Lyu, Yi-Ling Ding, Meng-Yuan Wu, Fong-I Jhou, Ching-Lung Su, 2011, Real-time Twin lens 3D Anaglyph Image Generating System with Auto-Thresholding Function, 2011 International Display Manufacturing Conference (IDMC), 2011/04/18-21, ITRI, Taipei, PS-010.
  26. 藍建成, 殷傑, 薛雅馨, 顏伸峰, 莊秉龍, 2010, 頭痛抑制電刺激晶片研製, 2010年生物醫學工程年會及科技研討會, 2010/12/10-11, 義守大學, 高雄, CDROM.
  27. Chien-Yue Chen, Jin-Run Chen, Min-Da Ke, Chien- Hsun Huang, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Cheng-Deng Kuo, 2010, Treatment Effect of Acupuncture and Electric Stimulation on Chronic Constipation Patients, 2010 IEEE ASIA Pacific Conference On Circuits And Systems, 2010/12/06-09, University of Malaya, IEEE CAS, Kuala Lumpur, pp.450-452.
  28. 黃建勳, 薛雅馨, 陳建宇, 陳錦榮, 柯明達, 郭正典, 楊毓盈, 2009, 電針刺激對慢性便秘患者之療效, 2009年生物醫學工程年會及科技研討會, 2009/12/11-12, 陽明大學, 陽明大學, CDROM.
  29. 薛雅馨, 陳冠瑋, 胡榮源, 2009, 具有整合伺服器之ANT雙向無線網路居家照護系統, 2009年生物醫學工程年會及科技研討會, 2009/12/11-12, 陽明大學, 台北,陽明大學, CDROM.
  30. 王證合, 薛雅馨, 葉宗道, 朱品諭, 林育德, 2009, 多功能整合量測系統, 4B生醫工程研討會, 2009/12/04, HI異質整合聯盟, 新竹 交大, CD.
  31. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Wei-Da Chen, 2009, An Implementation of Frame Rate Control for Reducing Flicker in CSTN Panel, 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2009/08/11-14, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, pp.394~397.
  32. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Wei-Chih Li, 2008, AN ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH CORRECTION CIRCUIT, 2008年生物醫學工程年會及科技研討會, 2008/12/12-13, 桃園, CD-ROM.
  33. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Shem-Feng Yen, 2008, A PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT ELECTRICAL STIMULATOR FOR PAIN RELEASE, 2008年生物醫學工程年會及科技研討會, 2008/12/12-13, 桃園, CD-ROM.
  34. Y, -H, Hsueh, J.-H. Lin, and M.-K. Su, 2008, A Simple and Ultra-low Power Capacitive Pressure Micro-sensor Sensing System Design, 9th IEEE ASIA Pacific Conference On Circuits And Systems, 2008/11/30-2008/12/03, Macao, pp.82-85. (97-2221-E-224-055 and 96-2220-E-224-001)
  35. Y.-H. Hsueh, and K.-W. Chen, 2008, An Ant Network Bi-Directional Wireless Homecare System, 9th IEEE ASIA Pacific Conference On Circuits And Systems, 2008/11/30-2008/12/03, Macao, pp. 250-253. (96-2220-E-224-001, 97-2221-E-224 -055)
  36. Y.-H. Hsueh, J.-H. Lin,, 2008, LOW POWER INTEGRATED CAPACITIVE PRESSURE MICROSENSOR DESIGN, Eurosensors XXII 2008, 2008/09/07-10, Dresden, pp. 284-287.
  37. Chien-Chih Chen, Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Zong-Cian He, 2008, A Novel EMG Feedback Control Method in Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling System for Stroke Patients, PROCEEDINGS OF WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME 32, 2008/08/29-31, 新加坡, pp. 216-219.
  38. Ya-Hsin Hsueh; Jian-De Lee, 2008, Image improvement method for LCD frame rate controller, The IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 2008/04/14-16, Algarve, pp.1-4.
  39. Ya-Hsin Hsueh, Wei-Cheng Hong, 2007, A Multi-Frequency Electrical Stimulation Waveform Generator, 7th WSEAS International Conference on SIGNAL PROCESSING, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY and ARTIFICIAL VISION (ISCGAV'07), 2007/08/24-26, Vouliagmeni, Athens, pp.210-213.
  40. 薛雅馨, 楊坤達, 姚政良, 2006, 整合性中小型液晶面板發展測試器研製, 2006多媒體及通訊系統研討會, 2006/12/15-16, 高雄,義守大學, CD-ROM.
  41. 薛雅馨, 顏柏軒, 吳致延, 林旻頡, 李元博, 2006, 具有ANT無線網路與警示功能之居家照護系統, 2006多媒體及通訊系統研討會, 2006/12/15-16, 高雄,義守大學, CD-ROM.
  42. 薛雅馨, 吳銘祥, 顏柏軒, 林書瑋, 姚政良, 2006, 以NIOS Ⅱ為核心之串列介面LCD顯示控制器, 2006多媒體及通訊系統研討會, 2006/12/15-16, 高雄,義守大學, CD-ROM.
  43. 薛雅馨, 洪偉程, 2006, 多參數電刺激系統之設計與實現, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會(2006醫工年會), 2006/12/15-16, 台北,台灣大學, CD-ROM.
  44. 薛雅馨, 杜俞憲, 2006, 舒緩頭痛的電刺激晶片設計與實現, 2006生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會(2006醫工年會), 2006/12/15-16, 台北,台灣大學, CD-ROM.
  45. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-T. Hsiao, U. F. Chio, C.-C. Huang and P.-L. Liu, 2004, An Implantable Neural Interface Micro-stimulator Chip with External Controllability, in Proc. Fourth IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Advanced System Integrated Circuits (AP-ASIC), 2004/08/04-05, Fukuoka, pp. 356-359.
  46. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, U. F. Chio, and Y.-T. Hsiao, 2004, A C-less ASK demodulator for Implantable Neural Interfacing Chips, in Proc. 2004 IEEE Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, 2004/05/23-26, Vancouver, pp. 57-60.
  47. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, S.-F. Hong, and R.-S. Kao, 2004, A phase-adjustable negative phase shifter using a single-shot locking method, in Proc. 2004 IEEE Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, 2004/05/23-26, Vancouver, pp. 933-936.
  48. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, T.-W. Kuo, and R. Hu, 2003, A Boosted Wordline Voltage Generator for Low-Voltage Memories, in Proc. 10th IEEE Inter. Conf. on Electronics,Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2003), 2003/12/14-17, SHARJAH, pp. 806-809.
  49. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-T. Hsiao, and U. F. Chio, 2003, Baseband Design of a Wireless Transceiver for Implantable Neural Interface, in Proc. 2003 Inter. Symp. on Communications (ISCOM03), 2003/12/10-12, 桃園(長庚大學), pp. 69.
  50. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, C.-S. Chen, J.-F. Huang, 2002, A low-cost Plasma Display Panel data dispatcher for image enhancement, in Proc. 2002 IEEE Inter. Conf. in Consumer Electronics (ICCE2002), 2002/06/18-20, LA, pp. 4-5.
  51. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and Y.-W. Chen, 2002, A 6.4 Gbps FIFO Design for 8-32 two-way data exchange bus, in Proc. 2002 Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2002), 2002/05/26-29, Scottsdale, pp. 772-775.
  52. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and Y.-P. Chen, 2001, An area-saving 3-dimensional decoder structure for ROMs, in Proc. 2001 International IEEE Conference on Electronics,Circuits,and Systems (ICECS 2001), pp. 374-377.
  53. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, C.-W. Chen, J.-J. Wang, and R. Hu, 2001, A cost-effective 8051-based Chinese voice dialer for DECT handsets, in Proc. 2001 9th Inter. Symp. on Integrated Circuits,Devices &Systems (ISIC-2001), 2001/09/03-05, pp. 378-381.
  54. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, C.-W. Chen, and Y.-L. Huang, 2001, VLSI circuit design of 16-Mbps IrDA VFIR transceivers, in Proc. 2001 9th Inter. Symp. on Integrated Circuits,Devices &Systems (ISIC-2001), 2001/09/03-05, pp. 374-377.
  55. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, and S.-K. Huang, 2000, A low-power and area-saving 8-bit analog-to-digital converter using a binary searching method, in Proc. 2000 Symp. on Computer and Communication (SCC2000), 2000/10/06-07, Chang-Hua, pp. 4B-1-4B-4.
  56. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-L. Tseng, and S.-K. Huang, 2000, FPGA-based system prototyping for smart battery management of mobile handsets, Ping-Ton, 2000/08/16-19.
  57. C.-C. Wang, Y.-H. Hsueh, Y.-L. Tseng, S.-K. Huang, and S.-F. Hsiao, 1999, Universal current integration module IC design for smart battery management of mobile handsets, 1999/12/20-22, Taipei(Tamkang University).
  58. C.-C. Wang, C.-J. Huang, and Y.-H. Hsueh, 1999, A design of a bipolar-valued inner product processor for speech processing, 1999/11/07-10, Kaohsiung.
  1. 薛雅馨, 2014, 肌電觸發電刺激器之研製. (執行期間:2011年08月01日至2014年4月30日)
  1. 薛雅馨, 何宗謙, 2012, 肌電訊號回饋控制功能性電刺激踩車系統及其方法(I369199), 發明專利.
  2. 薛雅馨, 羅敬諺, 陳志豪, 2012, 手部復健裝置及其組件(M431697), 新型專利.
  3. 薛雅馨, 陳彥宏, 林欣怡, 藍依亭, 2012, 具有電刺激與肌電圖訊號分析與讀取功能之裝置(M426411), 新型專利.
  4. 薛雅馨, 葉純妤, 駱信昌, 殷傑, 藍建成, 2012, 上肢電刺激裝置(M425675), 發明專利.
  5. 薛雅馨, 陳世斌, 2011, 圖框調變顯示驅動裝置(M401268), 新型專利.
  6. 王朝欽,蕭又滋,薛雅馨, 2006, 用於植入式微電刺激系統之無線傳輸系統 (發明第I-251986號), 發明專利.
  7. 王朝欽,蕭又滋,薛雅馨, 2006, 用於植入式微電刺激系統之通信協定 (發明第I252007號), 發明專利.
  8. 王朝欽、薛雅馨、陳全賢, 2003, 用於電漿顯示面板之資料分配系統及方法(發明第192326號), 發明專利.


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