Leu-Shing Lan, Associate Professor
藍呂興 副教授
(05)5342601 分機4321 / (05)5312063
統計信號處理與圖形辨認實驗室 ES405 (#4380)
美國南加州大學 - 電機工程研究所 博士
G.-S. Chen and L.-S. Lan, 2019, Shape Recognition Using Projections of RST Invariants, Journal of Kao Yuan University, Vol. 24, pp. 1-8.
陳廣昇, 藍呂興, 2018, 基於多尺度物件輪廓特徵之改良形狀辨認法, TATUNG Journal, Vol. 33, pp. 107-115.
C.-H. Wu, H.-P. Lin, and L.-S. Lan, 2002, A New Analytic Framework for Dynamic Mobility Management of PCS Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (Impact Factor: 2.550), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 208-220. (SCI, EI)
I. S. Reed and L.-S. Lan, 1994, A Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loeve Transform (AKLT) for Data Compression, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Impact Factor: 0.688), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 304-316. (SCI, EI)
H. Chiu and L.-S. Lan, 2021, Fusion of Multiple Features for Texture Segmentation, Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology, Paper No. A4-102, 2021/11/25-26, Chiayi, pp.113-120.
G.-S. Chen and L.-S. Lan, 2017, A New Shape Recognition Scheme Based on RST Invariants, Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology, Paper No. A4-701, 2017/12/01, Chiayi, pp.164-169.
B.-S. Lee and L.-S. Lan, 2016, An Improved Scheme for the Detection of Multiple Faces, Proceedings of 2016 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. C1, 2016/10/14, Huwei, pp.105-115.
R.-J. Lin, B.-S. Lee, and L.-S. Lan, 2014, Improvements to Video Object Detection Based on GMM, Proceedings of 2014 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Industrial Technology Session, Paper Number 69, 2014/12/12, Dalin, pp. 1-14.
S.-F. Tai and L.-S. Lan, 2014, Visual Tracking by Particle Filtering with Online Learning, Proceedings of 2014 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Industrial Technology Session, Paper Number 70, 2014/12/12, Dalin, pp. 1-11.
H.-J. Lin, S.-F. Tai, and L.-S. Lan, 2013, Video Object Tracking Using Adaptive Particle Filtering, Proceedings of 2013 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. OA-6, 2013/12/06, Yunlin, pp. 1-16.
B.-J. Ji, H.-J. Lin, S.-F. Dai, and L.-S. Lan, 2012, Optical Flow Assisted Video Object Detection in Dynamic Background, Proceedings of 2012 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. C-2, 2012/12/07, Changhwa, pp. 1-15.
J.-S. Tzeng, H.-J. Lin, and L.-S. Lan, 2012, An Improved Particle Filter Scheme for Video Object Detection and Tracking, Proceedings of 2012 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. C-1, 2012/12/07, Changhwa, pp. 1-15.
Y.-T. Chou, J.-S. Tzeng, and L.-S. Lan, 2011, Detection and Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Particle Filtering, Proceedings of 2011 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. 2-2, 2011/12/16, Chia-Yi, pp.1-14.
J.-R. Zhang, B.-J. Ji, and L.-S. Lan, 2011, An Improved Progressive Background Modeling Method, Proceedings of 2011 Conference of CYC University Alliance, Paper No. 2-1, 2011/12/16, Chia-Yi, pp.1-12.
K.-S. Hwang, R.-Z. Lin, B.-J. Ji, and L.-S. Lan, 2010, Adaptive Scaling in Mean Shift Tracking, Proceedings of 2010 Conference on CYC University Alliance, Paper No. 02-003, 2010/12/03, ChangHua, pp. 1-7.
Y.-T. Hsiao, Y.-T. Chou, J.-S. Tzeng, and L.-S. Lan, 2010, Hierarchical Particle Filtering for Visual Tracking, Proceedings of 2010 Conference on CYC University Alliance, Paper No. 02-002, 2010/12/03, ChangHua, pp. 1-6.
K.-S. Hwang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2009, Video Object Tracking Using Multiple Cues, Proceedings of 2009 Conference on CYC University Alliance, 2009/12/04, Yunlin, pp. 729-737.
Y.-T. Hsiao, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2009, A New Video Tracking Method Based on Particle Filter, Proceedings of 2009 Conference on CYC University Alliance, 2009/12/04, Yunlin, pp. 738-746.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, Closed-Form Expressions for the Autocorrelation Functions of General ARMA Processes, Proceedings of 2008 Conference on CYC University Alliance, 2008/12/05, Chang-Hwa, pp. 107-111.
J.-R. Zhang, Y.-T. Hsiao, K.-S. Hwang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, On the Optimal Stepsize of the Multi-Modulus Algorithm (MMA), Proceedings of 2008 Conference on CYC University Alliance, 2008/12/05, Chang-Hwa, pp. 103-106.
S.-Y. Chiu, Y.-C. Hwang, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, On the Stability Bound of the Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm, Proceedings of 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, 2008/12/05, Taipei, pp. 223-227.
J.-R. Zhang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, An Improved Mean Shift Algorithm Using Interpolation and Lyusternik's Acceleration, Proceedings of 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, 2008/12/05, Taipei, pp. 217-222.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A New Variable Stepsize Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm, Proceedings of 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, 2008/12/05, Taipei, pp. 722-727.
J.-R. Zhang, T.-L. Sheih, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A New Mean-Shift Algorithm with Interpolation and Aitken Acceleration, Proceedings of 2008 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2008/12/05-06, Yunlin, Taiwan, pp. 74-78.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A New Closed-Form Expression of the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion of the First-Order Markov Sequence, Proceedings of 2008 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Session Paper PC1-56, 2008/12/05-06, Yunlin, Taiwan, pp. 1-5.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, K.-S. Hwang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, An Improved Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm with Variable Step Size, Proceedings of 2008 U-Home Conference, 2008/11/20, Tainan, pp. 163-168.
J.-R. Zhang, T.-L. Shieh, Y.-T. Hsiao, L.-S. Lan, 2008, An Improved Mean-Shift Algorithm, Proceedings of 2008 U-Home Conference, 2008/11/20, Tainan, pp. 169-175.
S.-Y. Chiu, Y.-C. Hwang, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, HMM-Assisted Particle Filtering for Video Object Tracking, Proceedings of 2008 U-Home Conference, 2008/11/20, Tainan, pp. 281-285.
J.-R. Zhang, Y.-C. Hwang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, Video Object Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Mean Shift, Proceedings of 2008 Information Education and Technological Applications Conference, 2008/11/07, Taichung, pp. 227-232.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A Constrained Least-Squares Technique for B-Spline Shape Representation, Proceedings of 2008 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, Session Paper P2-204, 2008/08/24-26, ILan, Taiwan, pp. 1-7.
J.-R. Zhang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, An Accelerated Mean-Shift Algorithm, Proceedings of 2008 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, Session Paper P1-177, 2008/08/24-26, ILan, Taiwan, pp. 1-7.
J.-R. Zhang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, On Transition Bandwidth of Constrained Least-Squares Filters, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008/08/10-13, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A., pp. 338-341.
S.-Y. Chiu, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A Dual-Mode Mean-Shift Algorithm, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008/08/10-13, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A., pp. 334-337.
J.-R. Zhang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, Non-Uniqueness of Solutions of 1-Norm Support Vector Classification in Dual Form, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2008/06/01-06, Hong Kong, pp. 3057-3060.
T.-L. Shieh, J.-R. Zhang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, On Convergence of the Mean Shift Algorithm, Proceedings of IEEE Third International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, 2008/03/12-14, St. Julians, Malta, pp. 614-618.
Y.-C. Hwang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2008, A Weighted Least-Squares Approach for B-Spline Shape Representation, Proceedings of IEEE Third International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, 2008/03/12-14, St. Julians, Malta, pp. 894-898.
J.-R. Zhang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, A New Method for B-Spline Shape Representation, Proceedings of 2007 National Computer Symposium, Session Paper D-3-5, 2007/12/20-21, Taichung, pp. 1-6.
T.-L. Shieh, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Design of 2-D Fan Filters with 5x5 Filtering Masks, Proceedings of 2007 National Computer Symposium, Session Paper D-3-2, 2007/12/20-21, Taichung, pp. 1-5.
S.-H. Liao, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, A Dual-Mode Mean-Shift Algorithm, Proceedings of 2007 National Computer Symposium, Session Paper D-8-7, 2007/12/20-21, Taichung, pp. 1-7.
D.-R. Yang, S.-Y. Chiu, C.-R. Chang, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Optimal Stepsizes for the Constant Modulus Algorithm and the Modified Sato Algorithm, Proceedings of 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2007/11/23-24, Taipei, pp. 422-425.
D.-R. Yang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, On Transition Bandwidth of Constrained Least-Squares Filters, Proceedings of 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2007/11/23-24, Taipei, pp. 195-198.
C.-R. Chang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Design of Optimal 5x5 Image Filtering Masks, Proceedings of 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2007/11/23-24, Taipei, pp. 925-929.
S.-H. Liao, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Comparison of Two Different Constraints Used in the Fast Maximum Likelihood Method for Blind Channel Estimation, Proceedings of 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2007/11/23-24, Taipei, pp. 224-228.
T.-L. Shieh, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Optimal B-Spline Shape Representation Using a Minimax Criterion, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Doulior, pp. 191-197.
Y.-C. Hwang, C.-R. Chang, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Image Thresholding Based on Bayes' Minimum Error Principle and Poisson Modeling, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Doulior, pp. 183-190.
S.-H. Liao, S.-Y. Chiu, C.-R. Chang, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Undesirable Equilibria of the Natural Gradient Algorithm for Blind Source Separation, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Doulior, pp. 1230-1234.
S.-Y. Chiu, Y.-C. Hwang, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, The Information Theory-Based Principal Component Analysis Method with an Optimal Stepsize, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007/11/16-17, Doulior, pp. 530-534.
Y.-C. Hwang, S.-Y. Chiu, J.-R. Zhang, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, B-Spline Shape Representation Using a Weighted Least-Squares Technique, Proceedings of the First Information Education and Technological Applications Conference, Session C2, Paper C13, 2007/11/06, Taichung, pp. 1-6.
S.-Y. Chiu, Y.-C. Hwang, T.-L. Shieh, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Image Thresholding Based on Bayes' Minimum Error Principle and Gaussian-Mixture Modeling, Proceedings of the First Information Education and Technological Applications Conference, Session C2, Paper C12, 2007/11/06, Taichung, pp. 1-6.
T.-L. Shieh, S.-Y. Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Minimax B-Spline Shape Representation, Proceedings of 2007 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, 2007/11/02, Taichung, pp. 132-136.
S.-Y. Chiu, Y.-C. Hwang, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Optimal Image Thresholding Using Bayes' Minimum Error Principle and Laplacian Modeling, Proceedings of 2007 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, 2007/11/02, Taichung, pp. 114-119.
C.-R. Chang, S.-Yu Chiu, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, The Existence of Undesirable Equilibria of Amari's Natural Gradient Algorithm for Blind Source Separation When the Linear Activation Function Is Used, Proceedings of 2007 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2007/08/19-21, Miaoli, pp. 1142-1145.
S.-Y. Chiu, L.-S. Lan, and Y.-C. Hwang, 2007, Non-Uniqueness of Solutions of 1-Norm Support Vector Classification in Dual Form, Proceedings of 2007 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2007/08/19-21, Miaoli, pp. 384-388.
S.-H. Liao, L.-S. Lan, and S.-Y. Chiu, 2007, On Convergence of the Mean Shift Algorithm When the Epanechnikov Kernel Is Used, Proceedings of 2007 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2007/08/19-21, Miaoli, pp. 323-327.
Y.-C. Hwang, L.-S. Lan, and S.-Y. Chiu, 2007, Accelerating Local Convergence of the Information Theory-Based Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2007/08/12-17, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 2245-2249.
S.-Y. Chiu, L.-S. Lan, and Y.-C. Hwang, 2007, Optimal Learning Rates for Some Principal Component Analysis Algorithms, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2007/08/12-17, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 2223-2226.
S.-Y. Chiu, L.-S. Lan, and Y.-C. Hwang, 2007, Two Sparsity-Controlled Schemes for 1-Norm Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, 2007/08/05-08, Montreal, Canada, pp. 337-340.
Y.-C. Hwang, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering Using the Extended Radial Basis Function, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Digital Contents Management and Applications, Session Paper A3-2, 2007/06/01-02, Tainan, pp. 1-6.
S.-Y. Chiu, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2007, A Sparsity Control Method for 1-Norm Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2007 Conference on Digital Contents Management and Applications, Session Paper A3-3, 2007/06/01-02, Tainan, pp. 1-6.
S.-W. Lin, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, On the Existence of Undesirable Equilibria of Amari's Algorithm for Blind Source Separation, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Session Paper D1-3, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
C.-R. Chang, S.-Y. Chiu, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Derivation of the Optimal Stepsize of the Multi-Modulus Algorithm (MMA) for Blind Equalization, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Session Paper F2-5, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-4.
D.-R. Yang, S.-H. Liao, W.-C. Pao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Modified Fuzzy Clustering Method with Adjustable Membership Characteristics, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Session Paper A1-5, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
S.-H. Liao, D.-R. Yang, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Accelerating Local Convergence of the Information Theory-Based Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Session Paper D2-2, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
S.-Y. Chiu, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Comparative Study of Two New Sparsity-Controlled Schemes for 1-Norm Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Session Paper C2-4, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-8.
Y-C. Hwang, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Study of Two Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms, Proceedings of 2006 Multimedia and Networking Systems Conferences, Poster Session, Paper No. 1, 2006/12/16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-7.
Y.-C. Hwang, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering with the Radial Basis Function, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Paper No. 97, 2006/12/15-16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-8.
S.-Y. Chiu, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, An Alternative Form of v-Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Paper No. 48, 2006/12/15-16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, Conjugate Gradient-Based Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Algorithms with Optimal Learning Rates, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Paper No. 47, 2006/12/15-16, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
D.-R. Yang, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Momuntum Version of the Oja+ Algorithm for Principal Component Analysis, Proceedings of 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Session C5, Paper 0969, 2006/12/01-02, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
S.-Y. Chiu, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Sparsity-Controlled Scheme for 1-Norm Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Session C7, Paper 0748, 2006/12/01-02, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
S.-H. Liao, D.-R. Yang, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering with a Hyperbolic Tangent Function, Proceedings of 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Session C7, Paper 0437, 2006/12/01-02, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
D.-R. Yang, W.-C. Pao, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Blind Equalization of Constant Modulus Signals Using Kernel Ridge Regression, Proceedings of 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, Session Paper E0X0010, 2006/11/16-17, Hsinchu, pp. 1-5.
S.-Y. Chiu, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Sparsity Control for 1-Norm Support Vector Classification, Proceedings of 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, Session Paper K0X005, 2006/11/16-17, Hsinchu, pp. 1-6.
S.-H. Liao, D.-R. Yang, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Kernel-Based Fuzzy Clustering with the Polynomial Kernel Function, Proceedings of 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, Session Paper M0X005, 2006/11/16-17, Hsinchu, pp. 1-6.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, A Decomposition Algorithm for the Mixed-Norm Support Vector Classifier, Proceedings of 2006 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2006/08/13-15, Taoyuan, pp. 1346-1350.
W.-C. Pao, D.-R. Yang, S.-H. Liao, and L.-S. Lan, 2006, The Overlap Penetration Method for the Training of Support Vector Machines, Proceedings of 2006 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2006/08/13-15, Taoyuan, pp. 1141-1145.
S.-Y. Chiu, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, The Oja's Algorithm with Momentum for Principal Component Analysis, Proceedings of 2006 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2006/08/13-15, Taoyuan, pp. 1093-1098.
S.-H.Liao, L.-S. Lan, and D.-R. Yang, 2006, Optimal Learning Rates for Some Principal Component Analysis Algorithms, Proceedings of 2006 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2006/08/13-15, Taoyuan, pp. 1088-1092.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, D.-R. Yang, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, The Least-Squares Mixed-Norm Support Vector Classifier, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Paper No. 3222, 2006/08/06-09, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., pp. 375-378.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2006, Perturbation Analysis of Digital Eigenfilters, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Paper No. 3221, 2006/08/06-09, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., pp. 174-178.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2006, A New Fuzzy Entropy Clustering Method with Controllable Membership Characteristics, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Paper No. 3224, 2006/08/06-09, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., pp. 187-191.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, A New Fuzzy Clustering Method with Controllable Membership Characteristics, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (ICFS), 2006/07/16-21, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 952-955.
Y.-B. Lai, L.-S. Lan, M.-Y. Tsai, and W.-C. Pao, 2006, Writer Adaptation for Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition Using the Adaptive Generalized Distance, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, Session Paper MI53, 2006/07/06, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
S.-H. Liao, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2006, A Closed-Form Expression for the Autocorrelation Functions of General-Order Autoregressive Processes with Nonrepeated Poles, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, Session Paper BP039, 2006/07/06, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-4.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, On the Fast Maximum Likelihood Method for Blind Channel Estimation, Proceedings of 2006 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, Session Paper AP055, 2006/07/06, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
S.-Y. Chiu and L.-S. Lan, 2006, A Closed Form Expression for the Autocorrelation Functions of ARMA Processes, Proceedings of 2006 Symposium on Applications of Information,Management and Communication Technology, Session Paper A2-6, 2006/06/26, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
S.-H. Liao and L.-S. Lan, 2006, An Optimal Stepsize for the Information Theory-Based Principal Component Analysis Method, Proceedings of 2006 Symposium on Applications of Information,Management and Communication Technology, Session Paper C1-2, 2006/06/26, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-8.
D.-R. Yang and L.-S. Lan, 2006, Derivation of Optimal Stepsizes for the Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) and the Modified Sato Algorithm, Proceedings of 2006 Symposium on Applications of Information,Management and Communication Technology, Session Paper C1-3, 2006/06/26, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-5.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, A Closed-Form Expression for the Autocorrelation Functions of Autoregressive Processes of Order 2, Proceedings of 2006 National Conference on Modern Electrical Engineering Technologies, 2006/06/02, Chia-Yi, pp. 456-459.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and S.-H. Liao, 2006, On the Cross Relation Method for Blind Channel Estimation, Proceedings of 2006 National Conference on Modern Electrical Engineering Technologies, 2006/06/02, Chia-Yi, pp. 451-455.
L.-S. Lan, 2006, M-SVC (Mixed-Norm SVC): A Novel Form of Support Vector Classifier, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006/05/21-24, Island of Kos, Greece, pp. 3261-3264.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and D.-R. Yang, 2005, The Mixed-Norm Proximal Support Vecor Classifier (m-PSVC), Proceedings of 2005 National Computer Symposium, Session Paper MIC2-1, 2005/12/15-16, Tainan, pp. 1-8.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, A New Fuzzy Clustering Method with Adjustable Membership Characteristics, Proceedings of 2005 National Computer Symposium, Session Paper MIC2-3, 2005/12/15-16, Tainan, pp. 1-5.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and D.-R. Yang, 2005, m-SVC (Mixed-Norm SVC): A New Form of Support Vector Classifier, Proceedings of 2005 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications,International Track, Session Paper IS3-2, 2005/12/02-03, Kaohsinung, pp. 1-8.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, A New Fuzzy Entropy Clustering Method with Adjustable Membership Characteristics, Proceedings of 2005 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications,International Track, Session Paper IS5-3, 2005/12/02-03, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, Design of Adjustable Eigenfilters, Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Communications, Session Paper PS-49, 2005/11/20-22, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-6.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, The Least-Squares Mixed-Norm Support Vector Classifier (LS m-SVC), Proceedings of 2005 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, Oral Session 8-5, 2005/11/17-18, Yunlin, pp. 1-8.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, A New Fuzzy Entropy Clustering Method, Proceedings of 2005 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, Oral Session 15-7, 2005/11/17-18, Yunlin, pp. 1-6.
M.-Y. Tsai and L.-S. Lan, 2005, Online Writer Identification Using the Point Distribution Model, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man,and Cybernetics (ICSMC), 2005/10/10-12, Hawaii, U.S.A., pp. 1264-1268.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and D.-R. Yang, 2005, A New Frequency-Domain Approach for the Reduction of Blocking Artifacts, Proceedings of 2005 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2005/08/21-23, Taipei, pp. 655-661.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, Optimal Design of Compact Image Filtering Masks, Proceedings of 2005 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, 2005/08/21-23, Taipei, pp. 1126-1130.
W.-C. Pao, L.-S. Lan, and M.-Y. Tsai, 2005, An Empirical Formula for Transition Bandwidth in Constrained Least-Squares Filter Design, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Systems and Signals, 2005/04/28-29, Kaohsiung, pp. 702-706.
D.-R. Yang, L.-S. Lan, and M.-Y. Tsai, 2005, A Perturbation Approach for the Analysis of Eigenfilters, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Systems and Signals, 2005/04/28-29, Kaohsiung, pp. 692-696.
M.-Y. Tsai, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2005, Online Recognition of Chinese Handwriting Using a Hierarchical Fuzzy Clustering Approach, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005/03/19-23, Philadelphia, U.S.A., pp. V469-472.
M.-Y. Tsai and L.-S. Lan, 2004, Online Recognition of Chinese Handwritten Characters Based on the Point Distribution Model, Proceedings of 2004 International Computer Symposium, 2004/12/15-17, Taipei, pp. 505-510.
M.-Y. Tsai, L.-S. Lan, W.-C. Pao, and D.-R. Yang, 2004, Online Writer Identification Based on the Point Distribution Model, Proceedings of 2004 Applied Science and Technology Conference, Session Paper B13, 2004/12/09-10, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-4.
M.-Y. Tsai, L.-S. Lan, and W.-C. Pao, 2004, A Hierarchical Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition, Proceedings of 2004 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Session Paper PDSP-1-1, 2004/12/03-04, Keelung, pp. 1-6.
M.-Y. Tsai and L.-S. Lan, 2004, A Generative Model for Online Chinese Handwritten Characters Using the Point Distribution Model, Proceedings of 2004 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Session Paper FA3-4, 2004/11/05-06, Taipei, pp. 1-6.
Y.-B. Lai, L.-S. Lan, M.-Y. Tsai, and C.-H. Chiu, 2004, On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition Using a Radical-Based Affine Transformation, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2004/10/24-27, Singapore, pp. 2881-2884.
D.-R. Yang and L.-S. Lan, 2004, Perturbation Analysis of Eigenfilters, Proceedings of 2004 Applied Science and Technology Conference, Session Paper B04, 2004/10/09-10, Kaohsiung, pp. 1-4.
Y.-B. Lai, L.-S. Lan, and M.-Y. Tsai, 2004, A New Deformation Technique for Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition, Proceedings of 2004 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, Session Paper P1-1, 2004/08/15-17, Hualien, pp. 1-7.
M.-Y. Tsai and L.-S. Lan, 2004, A Computationally-Efficient Online Chinese Handwriting Recognizer Using the Clustering Approach, Proceedings of 2004 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision,Graphics,and Image Processing, Session Paper P1-2, 2004/08/15-17, Hualien, pp. 1-8.
L.-S. Lan, 1999, Peak-Error-Constrained Optimal Shape Representation, Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, pp. 331-340.
H.-Y. Lee, L.-S. Lan, M.-H. Sheu, and C.-H. Wu, 1996, A Parallel Architecture for Arithmetic Coding and Its VLSI Implementation, Proceedings of IEEE 39th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and System, Ames,Iowa, pp. 1309-1312.
L.-S. Lan, 1995, On the Compression Behavior of the JPEG Baseline Image Coder, Proceedings of 1995 SPIE/IEEE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 573-582.
L.-S. Lan, 1995, A Study of Statistical Properties of Random Signals in Multirate Filter Banks, Proceedings of 1995 SPIE/IEEE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing, pp. 1119-1128.
L.-S. Lan and I. S. Reed, 1994, An Improved JPEG Image Coder Using the Adaptive Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loeve Transform (AKLT), Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Speech,Image Processing and Neural Networks, Hong Kong, pp. 160-163.
L.-S. Lan and I. S. Reed, 1993, Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loeve Transform (AKLT) with Applications to Digital Image Coding, Proceedings of 1993 SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing, Cambridge,Massachusetts, pp. 444-455.
L.-S. Lan and I. S. Reed, 1993, A New Class of 2-D Multirate Filter Bank for Digital Image Coding, Proceedings of 1993 SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing, Cambridge,Massachusetts, pp. 1615-1626.
L.-S. Lan, 1993, Signal Decomposition Methods with Applications to Digital Image Coding, Los Angeles,U.S.A..
L.-S. Lan, 1984, A Microcomputer-Based Music Synthesizer, Taipei,Taiwan.
L.-S. Lan, 2008, Performance Analysis and Improvement of the Mean Shift Algorithm, NYUST Technical Report #97T16.
L.-S. Lan, 2007, Initialization Strategies for the Training of Support Vector Classifiers, NYUST Technical Report #96T01.
L.-S. Lan, 2006, Writer Adaptation for Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition, NYUST Technical Report #95T13.
L.-S. Lan, 2005, Applications of the Point Distribution Model in On-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, NSC Technical Report #93-2213-E-224-012.
L.-S. Lan, 2004, New Methods for Online Chinese Handwritten Character Recognition, NSC Technical Report #92-2213-E-224-046.
L.-S. Lan, 1999, Reduction of Blocking Artifacts in Video and Image Coders, NSC Techincal Report #88-2213-E-224-007.
L.-S. Lan, 1998, Performance Analysis and Improvement of the MPEG-2 Video Coding System, NSC Technical Report #86-2213-E-224-021.
L.-S. Lan, 1997, Performance Analysis of JPEG and MPEG Systems, NSC Technical Report #85-2213-E-224-002.
L.-S. Lan, 1995, An Improved JPEG Image CoderUsing the Adaptive Fast Approximate Kar hunen-Loeve Transform (AKLT), NSC Technical Report #84-2213-E-224- 032.
L.-S. Lan, 1993, Signal Decomposition Methods with Applications to Digital Image Coding, Communication Sciences Institute, CSI Technical Report #CSI-93-06-04, University of Southern California,Los Angeles,U.S.A.
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