Ming-Hwa Sheu, Distinguished Professor
許明華 特聘教授
前瞻AI暨高階嵌入式系統實驗室 ES1011a(#4399)、積體電路系統整合實驗室 ES301a(#4351)
國立成功大學 - 電機研究所 工學博士
許明華, 2019, Low Complexity and Low Power Sense-Amplifier Based Flip-Flop Design, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, No.11, pp.833-838.
許明華, 2019, Low Complexity and Low Power Sense- Amplifier Based Flip-Flop Design, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, No.11, pp.833-838.
許明華, 2019, A Fast Non-overlapping Multi-camera People Re-identification Algorithm and Tracking Based on Visual Channel Model, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E102-D, No.7, pp.1342-1348.
許明華, 2018, An Ultra-low-power True Single-phase Clocking Flip-flop with Improved Hold time Variation using Logic Structure Reduction Scheme, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.1-4.
許明華, 2017, Low Power 19-Transistor True Single Phase Flip-Flop Design Based on Logic Structure Reduction Schemes, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol.25, No.11, pp.3033 - 3044. (SCI)
許明華, 2017, Fast Motion Object Detection Algorithm Using Complementary Depth Image on an RGB-D Camera, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.17, No.17, pp.5728 - 5734. (SCI)
許明華, 2017, Efficient Reverse Converter Design for the New Four-moduli Set {22n, 2n+1, 2n/2+1, 2n/2−1}, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.40, No.2, pp.1-7. (SCI)
許明華, 2016, New Adaptable Three-Moduli Set {2n+k, 2n − 1, 2n−1 − 1} for Residue Number System-Based Finite Impulse Response Implementation, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.13, No.11, pp.1-9. (SCI)
許明華, 2016, New Reverse Converter Design for 4-Moduli Set{ 2 2n, 2 n+1 − 1, 2 n/2 + 1, 2 n/2 − 1 }, ICIC Express Letters, Part B, Vol.7, No.5, pp.1111-1117. (EI)
許明華, 2015, A Novel Flexible 3D Heterogeneous Integration Scheme Using Electro-less Plating on Chips with Advanced Technology Node, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.62, No.12, pp.4148-4153.
許明華, 2015, Chip Implementation of High-Efficient LED Dimming Driver for High-Power LED Lighting, IET Power Electronics, Vol.6, No.6, pp.1043-1051.
許明華, 2015, New Efficient Reverse Converter for 3-Moduli Set {22n, 2n+1, 2n-1} Based on New CRT-I, ICIC Express Letters. (EI)
許明華, 2015, A Single ended Structure Sense Amplifier based Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Systems, IET Electronics Letters, Vol.51, No.1, pp.20-21.
許明華, 2014, Fast Image Foreground Object Segmentation based on BlockTexture for Embedded System Implementation, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. (SCI)
許明華, 2014, Embedded Temperature Sensor for Multilevel Current LED Driver, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.14, No.8, pp.2801-2806. (SCI)
許明華, 2014, Efficient Block-based Dynamic Background Modeling and Foreground Object Detection in the DCT Domain, ICIC Express Letters, Part B, Vol.5, No.2, pp.203-208. (EI)
許明華, 2013, Reverse to Binary Converter for 4-moduli set {22n, 22n+1-1, 2n+1, 2n-1} Based on CRT-II, ICIC Express Letters, Vol.4, No.5, pp.1-6. (EI)
許明華, 2013, Fast Image Foreground Object Segmentation based on Block Texturefor Embedded System Implementation, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. (SCI)
許明華, 2013, ”New Flexible Four-Moduli Set {2n+k,2n +1,2n +1,22n +1}and Efficient Reverse Converter Design, IEICE Tran. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,, Vol.E96-A, No.7. (SCI)
許明華, 2013, Efficiency Reverse Converter for 4-Moduli Set {22n, 22n+1-1, 2n+1, 2n-1} Based on New CRT-II, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.336-368, pp.1852-1856. (EI)
許明華, 2013, An Arrow Poniter Sensor Design for Low-Cost Water-Meter, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.13, pp.1852-1856. (SCI)
許明華, 2013, High-Performance Local Dimming Algorithm and Its Hardware Implementation for LCD Backligh, IEEE Journal of Display Technology, pp.1-9. (SCI)(多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制與道路監視之SoC系統設計研究)
許明華, 2012, Block-Based Major Color Method for Foreground Object Detection on Embedded SoC Platforms, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Vol.4, No.2, pp.49-52. (SCI)(多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, High-Accuracy Background Model for Real-Time Video Foreground Object Detection, Optical Engineering. (SCI)(多攝影機人車監控之SoC嵌入式系統(II))
許明華, 2012, Low Power Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design with Conditional Pulse Enhancement Scheme, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, Vol.20, No.20. (SCI)(多攝影機人車監控之SoC嵌入式系統(II))
Chung-Chi Lin, Ming-hwa Sheu, Huann-keng Chiang, and Chishyan Liaw, 2010, Fast First-order Polynomials Convolution Interpolation for Real-time Digital Image Reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, Vol.20, No.9, 1260-1264. (SCI)
Jin-Fa Lin, Yin-Tsung Hwang and Ming-Hwa Sheu, 2010, Low Power Pulse Generator Design Using Hybrid Logic, IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals, Vol.E-93-A, No.6, pp.1266-1268. (SCI)
Jin-Fa Lin, Yin-Tsung Hwang and Ming-Hwa Sheu, 2010, A low complexity low power signal transition detector design for self-timed circuits, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E-93-A, No.4, pp.843-845. (SCI, EI)
C.C. Lin, M.H. Sheu, H.K. Chiang, C. Liaw, Z.C.huan Wu, and W.K. Tsai, 2010, An Efficient Architecture of Extended Linear Interpolation for Image Processing, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, pp.631-648. (SCI)
Chung-chi Lin, Ming-hwa Sheu, Huann-keng Chiang, Chishyan Liaw, and Zeng-chuan Wu, 2008, An efficient convolution interpolation kernel for digital image scaling, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.5, No.20, pp.860-864. (SCI)
S.H. Lin, M.H. Sheu, 2008, VLSI Design of Diminished-One Modulo 2^n+1 Adder Using Circular Carry Selection, IEEE Trans. On Circuits & SystemsⅡ, Vol.55, pp.897-901. (SCI)
J.F. Lin, Y.T. Hwang, M.H. Sheu, 2008, Low Complexity Dual-Mode Pulse Generator Designs, IEICE Trans. On Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A, pp.1812-1815. (SCI)
S.H. Lin, M.H. Sheu, 2008, Efficient VLSI Design of Residue-to-Binary Converter for the Moduli Set(2^n, 2^n+1-1, 2^n-1), IEICE Trans. On Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-D, pp.2058-2060. (SCI)
S.H. Lin, M.H. Sheu, 2008, Area-Time Efficient Modulo 2n-1 Adder Design Using Hybrid Carry Selection, IEICE Trans. On Information & Systems, Vol.E91-D, pp.361-362. (SCI)
C.C. Lin, M.H. Sheu, H.K. Chiang, C.J. Wei and C. Liaw, 2007, A High-performance Architecture of Motion Adaptive De-interlacing, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E90-A, No.11, pp.2575-2583. (SCI)
J. F. Lin, Y. T. Hwang, M. H. Sheu, C. C. Ho, 2007, A Novel High Speed and Energy Efficient 10-Transistor Full Adder Design, IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems I, Vol.54, No.5, pp.1050-1059. (SCI)
C. C. Lin, M. H. Sheu, H. K. Chiang, and C. Liaw, 2005, Motion Adaptive De-interlacing with Horizontal and Vertical Motions Detection, PCM 2005,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3767, pp. 291-302. (SCI)
M.H.Sheu, S.H.Lin, C.Chen and S.W.Yang, 2004, An Efficient VLSI Design for a Residue to Binary Converter for General Balance Moduli(2^n-3,2^n+1,2^n-1,2^n+3), IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II:Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 152-155. (SCI)
黃新武, 許明華, 王文魁, 洪俊傑, 2004, 光學滑鼠控制晶片設計與量測, e-科技雜誌, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp.25-27.
Chichyang Chen, H. L. Yen, and M. H. Sheu, 2004, Design of a Cost-Effective Multiplier / Divider Fused Unit for Floating-Point Arithmetic, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.11, No.3, pp.239-246. (SCI)
Chichyang Chen, H.L.Yen, and M.H.Sheu, 2004, Design of a New Multiplier/Drivider Fused Unit for Floating-Point Arithmetic, Revised in International Journal of Electronical Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.25-27. (EI)
M.H.Sheu and Y.T.Shih, 2004, A Low Cost Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on Rescursive Trigonometric Approach, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 197-202.
Chichyang Chen, R.L.CHen and M.H.Sheu, 2004, A Fast Additive Normalization Method for Exponential Computation, IEE Processings on Computer and Digital Techniques, Vol. 151, No. 3, pp.191-198. (SCI)
M.H.Sheu, H.E.Liao, and S.T.Kan, 2003, VLSI Design of Fast Adaptive Frequency Detection for the Noisy Sinusoid, Revised by Europe Applied Signal Processing. (SCI)
M.H.Sheu, H.E.Liao and S.T.Ksn, 2003, VLSI Architecture Design for On-Line Frequency Detection of Single Sinusoid, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 175-181. (EI)
M.H.Sheu, and S.H.Lin,, 2002, An Efficient VLSI Design of MRC-Based Residue to Binary Converters for Specific Moduli sets, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 181-186.
M.H.Sheu, and S.H.Lin, 2002, Fast Compensative Design Approach for the Approximate Squaring Function, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 37, pp. 95-97. (SCI)
M. D. Shieh, M. H. Sheu, C. H. Chen and H. F. Lo, 2001, A Systematic Approach for Parallel CRC Computations, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.1, pp. 445-461. (SCI, EI)
M.H. Sheu, J.S. Lin, S.S. Yang, J.Y. Lin, and M.H. Lin, 2001, A Modified Compeitive Learning Network in Image Compression and VLSI Implementation, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 23-28.
M. H. Sheu, and S. H. Lin, 2000, A High Performance VLSI Design of Fast Convolution Computation, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 263-268.
M.H. Sheu, J.F. Wang, and J.Y. Lee, 1993, The Determination of the Cycle Length in High Level Synthesis, International Journal of VLSI Integration, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 131-148. (SCI, EI)
M.H. Sheu, J.F. Wang, J.C. Chen, A.N. Suen, Y.L. Jeang, and J.Y. Lee, 1992, A Data-Reuse Architecture for Gray-Scale Morphologic Operations, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 533-536. (SCI)
J.F. Wang, M.H. Sheu, Y.L. Jeang, W.Y. Lee and J.Y Lee, 1992, Automatic Design of Microprogrammed Controllers for Multicycling and Chaining Operation, Proceedings of the National Science Council, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 331-339.
許明華, 2019, An Efficient VLSI Architecture Design for Real-time Image Object Tracking Applied to UAV, 2019 VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2019/08/06-09, 臺灣積體電路設計學會, 高雄義大皇家酒店.
許明華, 2019, Capacitance-Mismatch-Calibration-Algorithm-based-on-Least-Square-and-Iterative-Methods-for-an-Energy-efficient-Monotonic-Switching-SAR-ADC, 2019 VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2019/08/06-09, 臺灣積體電路設計學會, 高雄義大皇家酒店.
許明華, 2019, The Image Shape Recovery on Communication Data Lost Damage, Intl. Conf. on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2019/07/02-05, IEEE, Split, Croatia.
許明華, 2019, Low -Power Counter-Based Delay Line Design For DPWM, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019/05/20-22, ICCE-TW, 宜蘭常綠度假村酒店.
許明華, 2019, Implementation of FPGA-based Accelerator for Deep Neural Networks, IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, 2019/04/24-26, IEEE, Cluj · Romania.
許明華, 2018, Lighter sound recognition, 2018 Conference on Applications of Innovation and Invention (AII2018), 2018/11/23, AII2018, 臺中市,國立勤益科技大學, pp.22-25.
許明華, 2018, A High-Efficient Architecture Design of Shift Register Using Cross-Coupling Scheme, 2018 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2018/08/02, TJCAS 2018, Taichung.
許明華, 2018, Moving Object Tracking Algorithm Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2018/05/19-21, ICCE-TW, Taichung, pp.1-2.
許明華, 2018, Intelligent Design for Sound Detection of Goblet Clinking, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2018/05/19-21, IEEE, Taichung, pp.1-2.
許明華, 2018, Bike Sensor System Design for Safety and Healthy Riding, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2018/05/19-21, IEEE, Taichung, pp.1-2.
許明華, 2017, Real-time moving object tracking for UAV platform, The 30th IPPR Conf. on CVGIP, 2017/08/21-23, IPPR, 南投縣杉林溪, pp.A1-3.
許明華, 2017, High-performance Reverse Converter Design for the New Four-moduli Set {22n, 2n +1, 2n/2+1, 2n/2−1}, IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017/08/07-10, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.541-542.
許明華, 2017, Object Tracking Algorithm and Embedded System Design From Non-Overlapping Multiple Cameras, The 28th VLSI Design/CAD Symp, 2017/08/01-04, 臺灣積體電路設計學會, 屏東,墾丁, pp.1-3.
許明華, 2017, Application of Thermal Camera in PV Plants Shelter Detection, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2017/06/12-14, IEEE, Taipei. Taiwan, pp.413-414.
許明華, 2017, Non-overlapping Multi-camera Object Tracking Algorithm and System Design, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2017/06/12-14, IEEE, Taipei. Taiwan, pp.411-412.
許明華, 2017, System on Programmable Chip Design for FMCW Radar Signal Processing, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2017/05/22-25, PIERS OFFICE, St Petersburg. Russia, pp.122-125.
許明華, 2017, 應用熱像儀之太陽能板遮陰物偵測, 第十六屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2017/05/19-21, 國立金門大學資訊工程&電子工程學系, 金門.
許明華, 2016, 可調餘數模組{2n+k , 22n+1-1, 2n -1}之低功率餘數轉回二進制轉換器設計, International Conference on Safety & Security Management and Engineering Technology 2016, 2016/12/02, 吳鳳科技大學, 嘉義縣,吳鳳科技大學.
許明華, 2016, Edge-based moving Object Tracking Algorithm for an Embedded System, The IEEE APCCAS 2016, the 13th of the biennial Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2016/10/25-28, IEEE, Jeju Island,RAMADA PLAZA JEJU Hotel.
許明華, 2016, High efficient hardware allocation framework of arbitrary inverse transform coding blocks in H.265, 2016 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 2016/10/24-27, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Thailand.
許明華, 2016, VLSI Architecture Design and Implementation Based on Edge-based Moving Object Tracking Algorithm, The 27th VLSI Design/CAD Symp, 2016/08/02-05, 臺灣積體電路設計學會, 高雄市,君鴻國際酒店.
許明華, 2016, An Efficient Foreground Object Detection Method Using a Color Cluster-Based Background Modeling Algorithm, 2016 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C), 2016/07/04-06, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, 中國大陸,西安市.
許明華, 2016, Object detection using adaptive block-based background model, Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 2016/05/27-29, 經濟部(國際貿易局), 南投縣,國立暨南大學.
許明華, 2016, Intelligent system design for variable color temperature LED street light, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2016/05/27-29, 經濟部(國際貿易局), 南投縣,國立暨南國際大學.
許明華, 2016, 新4餘數模組{22n , 22n-1-1 ,2n +1 ,2n -1}之高效能反轉換器設計, 第十五屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2016/05/20-21, 樹德科技大學資訊工程系, 高雄市,樹德科技大學.
許明華, 2015, 具有低功率與高效能之感測放大正反器設計與晶片實現, 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2015/11/30, 高應大, 高應大, p.39.
許明華, 2015, 改良式RNS-based FIR之設計, WCE2015 民生電子研討會, 2015/11/28, 建國科技大學, 彰化.
許明華, 2015, Moving Object Detection System Design base on Varible Block Background Modeling, Int. Conf. on Innovation ,Communication and Engineering, 2015/10/23-28, Fuzhou University, 中國長沙, pp.155-158.
許明華, 2015, New Reverse Converter Design for 4-Moduli set {22n, 2n+1-1, 2n/2+1, 2n/2-1}, Int. Conf. on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2015/08/20-22, ICIC International, 中國大連, pp.231-234.
許明華, 2015, 可調式區塊背景模型建立與前景物件偵測, 第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2015/05/22-23, 國立澎湖科技大學資訊工程系, 澎湖, pp.540-548.
許明華, 2015, 基於Kincet 人體骨架與OpenCV 人臉偵測技術實現幼童判別, 第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2015/05/22-23, 國立澎湖科技大學資訊工程系, 澎湖, pp.536-539.
許明華, 2015, 數位式控制之高壓降壓轉換器晶片設計, 第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2015/05/22-23, 國立澎湖科技大學資訊工程系, 澎湖, pp.532-535.
許明華, 2015, 具UART 調光介面之LED 多階電流驅動晶片設計, 第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2015/05/22-23, 國立澎湖科技大學資訊工程系, 澎湖, pp.528-531.
許明華, 2014, 結合Kinect資訊之影像移動物件偵測, 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2014/12/04, 智慧電子應用設計(IED)聯盟, 高雄市,高應大.
許明華, 2014, 應用於動態場景之影像物件追蹤SoC系統設計, 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2014/12/04, 智慧電子應用設計(IED)聯盟, 高雄市,高應大.
許明華, 2014, 低電壓且低功率之除 2 / 3 / 4 除頻器設計, 民生電子研討會, 2014/11/29, 東海大學電機工程學系、東海大學電子計算機中心、中華民國民生電子學會, 台中市,東海大學.
許明華, 2014, 新可調餘數模組{ 2n+k, 2n+1 – 1, 2n – 1}之低成本餘數反轉換器設計, 民生電子研討會, 2014/11/29, 東海大學電機工程學系、東海大學電子計算機中心、中華民國民生電子學會, 台中市,東海大學, pp.123-127.
許明華, 2014, 應用文理特徵之高效能影像除霧演算法, 國防科技學術研討會, 2014/11/14, 國防大學理工學院兵器系統中心, 桃園.
許明華, 2014, High Dynamic Range Image Based on Block-based Edge Strength for Embedded System Design, on Intelligent Information Hiding and Mulimedia Signal Processing IIHMSP-2014, 2014/08/27-29, IEEE Taiwan Section Taiwan Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society等, 日本,北九州市, pp.329-332.
許明華, 2014, Feature Points based Video Object Tracking for Dynamic Scenes and Its FPGA System Prototyping, on Intelligent Information Hiding and Mulimedia Signal Processing IIHMSP-2014, 2014/08/27-31, IEEE Taiwan Section Taiwan Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society等, 日本,北九州市, pp.325-328.
許明華, 2014, Ultra Low Power Circuit Design based on Adiabatic Logic, on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing IIHMSP-2014, 2014/08/27-31, IEEE Taiwan Section Taiwan Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society等, 日本,北九州市, pp.317-320.
許明華, 2014, An Extensible VLSI Arcitecture for Parallel Label Merge in Multi-Pixel Image Processing, The 25th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2014/08/05-08, 國立清華大學資工系/電機系/積體電路設計技術研發中心, 台中市,福容飯店.
許明華, 2013, 基於標籤再利用之快速影像物件標籤化演算法, 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2013/12/13, 智慧電子應用設計聯盟, 台中市,勤益科大.
許明華, 2013, 基於區塊式邊緣強度之高品質曝光融合演算法與嵌入式系統設計, 智慧電子應用設計研討會, 2013/12/13, 智慧電子應用設計聯盟, 台市中,勤益科大.
許明華, 2013, 新3-餘數模組{22N-1, 2N+1, 2N-1}之低成本餘數反轉換器設計, 2013全國計算機會議, 2013/12/13-14, 教育部、亞洲大學, 台中市,亞洲大學.
許明華, 2013, THE FALL INCIDENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM DESIGN BASED ON HUMAN CONTOUR FEATURES, 2013全國計算機會議, 2013/12/13-14, 教育部、亞州大學, 台市中,亞州大學.
許明華, 2013, 新高效能3-餘數模組{2^(2N-1), 2^(N)-1, 2^(N-1)-1}之餘數轉二進轉換器, 2013民生電子研討會, 2013/11/22-23, 國立宜蘭大學電機資訊學院、中華民國民生電子學會, 宜蘭市,宜蘭大學.
許明華, 2013, FMCW雷達系統之嵌入式DSP設計與實現, 民生電子研討會, 2013/11/22-23, 國立宜蘭大學電機資訊學院、中華民國民生電子學會, 宜蘭市,宜蘭大學.
許明華, 2013, Fast Image Blending and Deghosting for Panoramic Video, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2013/10/15-18, 北京工業大學, 北京, pp.104-107.
許明華, 2013, A Computation Efficiency AND-CFAR for FMCW Radar Receiver, in Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,, 2013/10/15-18, 北京工業大學, 北京.
許明華, 2013, Efficient Block-Based Dynamic Bbackground Modling and Foreground Object Detection in the DCT Domain, The Eighth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2013), 2013/09/14-17, Tokai University, 熊本.
許明華, 2012, A Robust Background Modeling and Foreground Object Detection Using Color Component Analysis, 2012 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2012/10/14-17, IEEE SMC Society, Seoul, pp.263-267. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, Efficient Block-Based Foreground Detection for Outdoor Scenes on Embedded SoC Platforms, International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, 2012/08/25-26, International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology, 上海, pp.21-25. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, Efficienct Block-Based Foreground Object Detection for Outdoor Scenes on Embedded SOC Platforms, Symposium on Digital life Technologies, 2012/08/15-16, 雲科大-資工系、自由軟體研究中心、成大數位生活科技研究中心, 雲林縣, pp.50-54. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, Fast Image Moving Object Segmentation Based on Block Texture for Embedded System Implementation, The 25th IPPR Conference on CVGIP, 2012/08/12-14, 中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會, 南投縣. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, Intelligent Object Detection Implementation for Complex Scenes on an Embedded SoC Platform, The 23th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium,, 2012/08/07-10, 台灣大學電子所/電機系, 屏東. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2012, Region-based background subtraction for complex scene on embedded platforms, International Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2012/07/18-20, IEEE and the European Association for Biometrics, Piraeus-Athens, pp.351-34. (多色溫調變LED之智慧節能路燈系統研發-總計畫暨子計畫三:智慧型LED路燈控制)
許明華, 2011, New Reverse Converter Design of Moduli Set {2n, 2n+1-1, 2n-1}, International Conf. on Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, 2011/12/16-18, 哈爾濱工業大學, 深圳, pp.201-204.
許明華, 2011, Effcient Color-Ingredient Particle Filter for Video Object Tracking, IEEE TENCON, 2011/11/21-23, Indonisia University, Bail,Indonisia, pp. 49-53. (國科會)
許明華, 2011, Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design with PTL Style Control Scheme, IEEE TENCON, 2011/11/21-23, Indonisia University, Bali Island, pp.120-123. (國科會)
許明華, 2011, 高效能模組{2n, 22n-1, 22n-1-1}之餘數轉回二進制轉換器, 安全管理與工程技術國際研討會, 2011/11/17-18, 吳鳳科大, 嘉義,吳鳳科大, pp.51-54.
許明華, 2011, A Robust Object Detection Algorithm Using Multi-layer Background Model, The 24th IPPR Conf. on CVGIP, 2011/08/15-17, 高雄應用科大, 高雄,澄清湖, pp.121-124.
許明華, 2011, fficient Foreground Object Detection on Embedded Platform, The 22th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2011/08/03-05, 中學大學, 雲林縣,古坑, pp.548-551.
許明華, 2010, FPGA Implementation for Image Object Detection System on NoCs, Asia Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems, 2010/12/06-09, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 吉隆坡.
許明華, 2010, A Low Power Dual-Mode Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop Using Pass Transistor Logic, IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, 2010/11/18-19, IEEE, 國立中山大學, pp.203-206.
許明華, 2010, A Parallel Hardware Architecture for 4-Pixel Connected, Submit to 2010 International Conference on High-Speed Circuits Design (HSCD'10), 2010/10/28-29, 國立勤益科技大學, 台中市,勤益科技大學.
許明華, 2010, Efficient Multi-Layer Background Model on Complex Environment for Foreground Object Detection, 2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2010/10/15-17, IEEE, 達姆施塔特.
許明華, 2010, Fast Texture-Based Object Tracking Algorithm on Embedded Platform, The 5th international conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2010/08/18-22, 吉林大學, 長春市,吉林大學, pp.643-646.
許明華, 2010, Efficient Multi-Layer Background Model on Complex Environment for foreground Object Detection, The 23th IPPR Conference on CVGIP, 2010/08/15-17, 中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會,國立高雄大學, 高雄市.
許明華, 2010, 使用適應性背景模型於複雜場景中進行前景物件偵測, 第五屆智慧生活科技研討會, 2010/06/04, 琴益科技大學 資訊工程系(所), 台中縣,勤益科技大學, pp.1494-1498.
許明華, 2010, Low-voltage and low-power 10-transistor full adder design using degenerate logic module, the 5th intelligent living technology conference, 2010/06/04, 勤益科大, 台中縣,勤益科大.
許明華, 2009, Image Reconstruction by Convolution with Piecewise Linear Polynomal Kernel, Seventh International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 2009/12/08-10, 南洋理工大學, 澳門.
許明華, 2009, A Micro-Network on Chip with 10-Gb/s Transmission Link, The attached file is a paper which is accepted by IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference 2009 (A-SSCC), 2009/11/16-18, 工研院, 台北, pp.277-280.
許明華, 2009, 即時多重影像物件追蹤與計數之嵌入式系統設計, 2009年雛型系統與電路設計創新應用研討會, 2009/10/16, 清雲科技大學, 清雲科技大學, pp.211-216.
許明華, 2009, Image Object Detection and Tracking Implementation for Outdoor Scenes on an Embedded SoC Platform, 2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2009/09/12-14, 國立高雄應用科技大學, 日本,京都, pp.386-389.
許明華, 2009, A Real-Time Architecture of Piecewise Linear Convolution Interpolation Kernel for Digital Image, The 22th IPPR Conference on CVGIP, 2009/08/23-25, 義守大學, 南投,溪頭, pp.825-830.
許明華, 2009, Image Object Detection and Tracking Implementation on An Embedded SoC Platform, The 22th IPPR Conference on CVGIP, 2009/08/23-25, 義守大學, 南投,溪頭, pp.873-878.
許明華, 2009, Parallel 3-Pixel Labeling Method and its Hardware Architecture Design, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS-2009), 2009/08/18-20, 國立成功大學, 大陸,西安, pp.185-188.
許明華, 2009, The VLSI Architecture Design for 3-Pixel Labeling Approach, The 20th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2009/08/04-07, 國立成功大學, 花蓮, pp.84.
許明華, 2009, A Novel Low Power Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design with Pulse Width Control Scheme, The 20th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2009/08/04-07, 國立成功大學, 花蓮.
許明華, 2009, Low-Power and Low-Complexity Dual-Mode Flip-Flop Design, 第四屆智慧生活科技研討會 (ILT2009), 2009/06/05, 國立勤益科技大學, 國立勤益科技大學.
許明華, 2009, Efficient VLSI Design of a Reverse RNS Converter for New Flexible 4-Moduli Set (2p+k, 2p+1, 2p-1, 22p+1), IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, 2009/05/24-27, 國立成功大學, 台北, pp.437-440.
許明華, 2008, Real-Time FPGA Architecture of Extended Linear Convolution for Digital Image Scaling, The2008 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 2008/12/08-10, 台北.
許明華, 2008, Image Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking Based on Multi-Background Model, The 2008 Conference on Innovative Applocations of System Prototyping and Circuit Design, 2008/10/17, 台中, pp.141~146.
許明華, 2008, Area-Time-Power Efficient VLSI Design for Residue-to-Binary Converter based on Moduli Set (2^n,2^n+1-1,2^n-1), The 19th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2008/08/05-08, 墾丁, pp.S16-6.
許明華, 2008, A VLSI Design on Novel Convolution Interpolation Kernel for Digital Image, The 19th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2008/08/05-08, 墾丁, pp. S6-6.
許明華, 2008, Adaptive Motion Gesture Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems Symposia, 2008/07/29-31, 成都, pp.386-391.
許明華, 2008, A Low-cost VLSI Design of Extended Linear Interpolation for Real Time Digital Image Processing, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 2008/07/29-31, 成都, pp.196-202.
許明華, 2008, The efficient VLSI Design of BI-Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image Processing, IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, 2008/05/18-21, 西雅圖, pp.480-483.
朱元昌, 陳嘉宏, 陳思穎, 蔡文凱, 許明華, 2007, 適應性動態手勢切割, 全國計算機會議, 2007/12/10-13, 台中, pp.53-62.
Z.C. Wu, C.H. Chen, S.Y. Chen, C.C. Lin, W.K. Tsai, M.H. Sheu, 2007, The Efficient VLSI Design of Extended-Linear Scaling for Digital, National Computer Symposium, 2007/12/10-13, 台中, pp.83-92.
C.C. Lin, Z.C. Wu, W.K. Tsai, M.H. Sheu and H.K. Chiang, 2007, The VLSI Design of Winscale for Digital Image Scaling, IEEE IIHMSP, 2007/11/26-28, 高雄, pp.511-514.
S.H. Lin and M.H. Sheu, 2007, Low Power Multipliers Using Enhenced Row Bypassing Schemes, IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing System, 2007/10/17-19, 上海, pp.110-114.
Y.T. Hwang, J.F. Lin, and M.H. Sheu, 2007, Efficient VLSI Design of Modulo 2n-1 Adder Using Hybrid Carry Selection, IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing System, 2007/10/17-19, 上海, pp.142-145.
[11] 吳曾傳, 陳思穎, 林正基, 蔡文凱, 許明華, 2007, 高效能-BI-cubic之影像解析度縮放硬體實現, 系統雛型與電路設計創新應用研討會, 2007/10/02, 台南, pp.67-71.
[7] J.F. Lin, S.W. Chin, Z.H. Ye, and M.H. Sheu, 2007, Low Power Multiplier Design Using Enhanced Column Bypassing Scheme, 2007系統雛型與電路設計創新應用研討會, 2007/10/02, 台南, pp.7-10.
C.C. Lin, M.H. Sheu, H.K. Chiang, C. Liaw, and J.F. Lin, 2007, Motion Adaptive De-interlacing with Local Scene Changes Detection, IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2007/09/05-08, 熊本, pp.142-145.
C.C. Lin, M.H. Sheu, Z.C. Wu, and W.K. Tsai, 2007, The Efficient VLSI Design on BI-CUBIC Interpolation for Real Time Digital Image Scaling, The 16th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2007/08/05-09, 花蓮, pp.2-6.
S.H. Lin, M.H. Sheu, K.H. Wang, J.J. Zhu and S.Y. Chen, 2007, Novel VLSI Design of Circular-Carry-Select (CCS) Based Diminished-One Modulo 2n+1 Adde, The 16th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2007/08/05-09, 花蓮, pp.a1-1.
S.W. Yang, M.H. Sheu, C.K. Yeh, C.Y. Wen, C.C. Lin and W.K. Tsai, 2007, Fast Fair Crossbar Scheduler for On-Chip Router, IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, 2007/05/27-31, 紐奧良, pp.385-388. (經濟部)
林智傑, 葉正濠, 葉春楷, 溫智淵, 楊學雯, 許明華, 2007, 應用於晶片網路交換器之高效能仲裁器與交換電路控制架構, 智慧生活科技研討會, 2007/05/12, 台中, IC design.
Y.T. Hwang, J.F. Lin, M.H. Sheu, and C.J. Sheu, 2006, Low Power Multiplier Designs Based on Improved Column Bypassing Schemes, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2006/12/04-07, 新加坡, pp.595-598.
C.C. Lin, M.H. Sheu, H.K. Chiang, C.J. Wei, 2006, The VLSI Design of Motion Adaptive De-interlacing with Horizontal and Vertical Motions Detection, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2006/12/04-07, 新加坡, pp.1589-1592.
S.H. Lin, M.H. Sheu, J.S. Lin, W.T. Sheu, 2006, Efficient VLSI Design for RNS Reverse Converter Based on New Moduli Set (2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^(2n+1)), IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2006/12/04-07, 新加坡, pp.2022-2025.
J.C. Lee, S.W. Yang, and M.H. Sheu, 2006, VLSI Architecture for Multi-Minimum Sum of Square Error, 民生電子暨信號處理研討會, 2006/11/16, 新竹.
J.F. Lin, Y.T. Hwang, M.H. Sheu, C.J. Sheu, and H.Y. Chen, 2006, Low Power Multiplier Designs Based on Improved Row & Column Bypassing Schemes, 民生電子暨信號處理研討會, 2006/11/16, 新竹.
C.C Lin, M.H. Sheu, H. K. Chiang, C. L. and M.C. Chen, 2006, Film-to-Video Conversion with Scene Cut Detection, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2006/08/30-2006/09/01, 北京, pp.285-288.
J.F. Lin, Y.T. Hwang and M.H. Sheu, 2006, Low-Power and Low-Complexity Full Adder Design for Wireless Base and Applications, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems, 2006/06/25-2006/07/01, 桂林, pp.2337-2341.
Y.L. Lai, S.W. Yang, M.H. Sheu, Y.T. Hwang, H.Y. Tang, and P.Z. Huang, 2006, A High-Speed Network Interface Design for Packet-Based NoC, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems, 2006/06/25-2006/07/01, 桂林, pp.2667-2671.
吳曾傳, 魏志任, 林正基, 楊學雯, 許明華, 2006, Winscale 演算法之影像解析度縮放硬體實現, 第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, 2006/06/09, 台中, pp.ICD-R10-95.
蔡文凱, 吳俊諺, 楊學雯, 林正基, 許明華, 2006, Hand Motion Image Detection for Gesture Recognition System, 第一屆智慧生活科技研討會, 2006/06/09, 台中, pp.ICS-R15-95.
J.F. Lin, Y.T. Hwang, M.H. Sheu and C. C. Ho, 2006, A High Speed and Energy Efficient Full Adder Design Using Complementary & Level Restoring Carry Logic, IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, 2006/05/19-27, KOS, pp.2705-2708.
C. C Lin, C. J. Wei, M.H. Sheu , H. K. Chishy and C. Liaw, 2006, The VLSI Design of De-interlacing with Scene Change Detection, IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, 2006/05/19-27, KOS, pp.2705-2708.
C. C. Lin, M. H. Sheu, H. K. Chiang, C. S. Liaw, C. T. Tsai,, 2005, An Efficient Video De-interlacing with Scene Change Detection, IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information,Communications and Signal Processing, 2005/12/06-09, 泰國, pp. 36-40.
魏志任, 吳俊諺, 林正基, 許明華, 翁炳國, 巫穎毅, 2005, 考慮場景變化的解交錯演算法暨VLSI硬體實現, 2005年民生電子暨信號處理研討會, pp. O6-6.
鍾漢章, 吳光晃, 許明華, 翁炳國, 巫穎毅, 2005, 立體影像之邊緣適應性內插法與VLSI實現, 2005年民生電子暨信號處理研討會, pp. O15-1.
劉坤晏, 林蘇宏, 許明華, 郭源欽, 2005, 快速雙基底數碼轉換演算法與硬體設計, 2005年民生電子暨信號處理研討會, pp. O18-6.
吳俊諺, 蔡易霖, 楊學雯, 魏志任, 許明華, 2005, 車牌即時辨識之嵌入式軟硬體系統設計與實現, 2005年民生電子暨信號處理研討會, pp. 2-1.
Y. L. Lai, S. W. Yang, M. H. Sheu, Y. T. Hwang, H. Y. Tang, and P. Z. Huang, 2005, A High-Speed Network Interface Design for Packet-Based NoC, Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, pp. 1-8.
C. C. Lin, M. H. Sheu, H. K. Chiang and C. Liaw, 2005, Motion Adaptive De-interlacing with Horizontal and Vertical Motions Detection, The 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, 2005/11/13-16, 韓國, pp. 291-302.
S. H. Lin, M. H. Sheu, J. S. Lin and W. T., Sheu, 2005, Efficient VLSI Design for Reverse RNS Converter Based on New Moduli Set (2^n-1,2^n+1,2^(2n+1)), The 16th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2005/08/09-12, Taiwan.
S. W. Yang, M. H. Sheu, H. H. Wu, H. E. Chien, P. K. Weng, and Y. Y. Wu, 2005, VLSI Architecture Design for a Fast Parallel Label Assignment in Binary Image, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005/05/22-26, Kobe, pp. 2393-2396.
H. H. Wu, M. H. Sheu, T. Y. Yang,, 2005, Directional Interpolation for Field-Sequential Stereoscopic Video, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005/05/22-26, Kobe, pp. 2879-2882.
洪俊傑, 賴永隆, 許明華, 方喬立, 2004, 具時脈抖動自我測試之鎖相迴路設計, 2004年大學發展與產學合作-大學校院學術論文發表暨研討會, 2004/12/12, 斗六, pp. B-15.
洪俊傑, 賴永隆, 許明華, 方喬立, 2004, 光學滑鼠七位元類比數位轉換器之低成本與低功率電路與佈局設計, 2004年大學發展與產學合作-大學校院學術論文發表暨研討會, 2004/12/12, 斗六, pp. B-9.
S. H. Lin, M. H. Sheu and S. W. Yang, 2004, Efficient VLSI Architecture Design for Complex Linear Convolution Using Conjugate-Polynomial-Channel Residue Arithmetic System, IEEE APCAS, 2004/12/10-14, Tainan, pp. 829-834.
M. H. Sheu S. H. Lin, Y. T. Chen, and Yu-Chun Chang, 2004, Low-Cost and High-Speed RNS Forward Converter for the (2^n-1,2^n,2^n+1) Moduli Set, IEEE APCAS., 2004/12/10-14, Tainan.
M. H. Sheu S. H. Lin, Y. T. Chen, and Y. C. Chang, 2004, High-Speed and Reduced-Area RNS Forward Converter Based on (2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1) Moduli Set, The 15th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2004/08/15-18, 墾丁, pp.4-17.
S. H. Lin, M. H. Sheu and S. W. Yang, 2004, Efficient VLSI Architecture for Complex Linear Convolution Using Conjugate-Polynomial-Channel Residue Arithmetic System, The 15th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2004/08/15-18, 墾丁, pp.C2-6.
S. H. Lin, M. H. Sheu and S. W. Yang, 2003, Efficient VLSI Implementation for Residue to Binary Converter Based on a Balance Moduli Set (2^n-3, 2^n+1, 2^n-1, 2^n+3), IEEE International Conf. on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems, 2003/11/01-03, 高雄, pp. 313-318.
C. Chen, R. L. Chen and M. H. Sheu,, 2003, A fast additive normalization method for exponential computation, Proceedings of Euromicro Symposium on Digital System Design, 2003/09/11-13, 安卡拉.
Y. T. Shih and M. H. Sheu, 2003, A Low Cost Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on Recursive Trigonometric Approach, The 14th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2003/08/15-18, Hualien, pp. 413-416.
J. C. Hsu, M. H. Sheu, S. F. Tsai and C. H. Liu, 2003, An ASIC Design for Radar Baseband Detector, 航空電子科技與應用研討會, 2003/05/12-15, 高雄, pp. A2-33.
M. H. Sheu and S. H. Lin, 2002, Fast Design Approach for Implementing the Approximate Squaring Function, IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2002/11/09-13, pp. 25-29.
M. H. Sheu, S. H. Lin and S. W. Yang, 2002, An Efficient VLSI Implementation of Residue to Binary Converter for Specific Moduli (2^n-3,2^n+1,2^n-1,2^n+3), The 13th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2002/08/16-19, 花蓮, pp. 383-387.
S.T. Kan, J.F. Shiau, M.H. Sheu, and H.E. Liao, 2001, A Low-Cost VLSI Architecture Design with Cascaded Filter for Frequency-Detection, 12th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hsinchu, pp. C2-11.
S.H. Lin and M.H. Sheu, 2001, Fast Compensative Approach for Hardware Implementation of Approximate Squaring Function, The 12th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hsinchu, pp. C1-2.
C. M. Wu, M. D. Shieh, C. H. Wu and M. H. Sheu, 2001, VLSI Architecture of Extended In-Place Path Metric Update for Viterbi Decoders, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 446-449.
M.H. Sheu, H.E. Liao, S.T. Kan, and M.D. Shieh, 2001, A Novel Adaptive Algorithm and VLSI Design for Frequency Detection In Noisy Environment Based on Adaptive IIR Filter, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May.
S. S. Yang and M. H. Sheu, 2000, Chaotic Competitive Hopfield Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation, 2000 Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications to Chinese and Western Medicine, pp. 177-184.
M. H. Sheu, S. S. Yang, and K. Y. Lin, 2000, A Novel Algorithm and VLSI Design of Fast Stabilized Cascade Adaptive Filter for Frequency-Detection, The 11th VLSI/CAD Symposium, pp. 307-310.
M. H. Sheu, S. J. Jiang, and C. C. Kuo, Aug., 2000, VLSI Architecture Design for Class-of-Service Packet Scheduling, The 11th VLSI/CAD Symposium, pp. 221-224.
M. H. Sheu and S. T. Kan, 2000, A VLSI Design for Single Sinusoidal Frequency Detection in Noisy Environment, Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 452-456.
M. D. Shieh, C. H. Wu, M. H. Sheu, J. L. Sheu, and C. H. Wu, 2000, Asynchronous Implementation of Modular Exponentiation for RSA Cryptography, The 2st Asia-Pacific Conference on ASIC, pp. 123-126.
H. E. Liao, M. H. Sheu, and S. S. Yang, Aug., 2000, A New VLSI Design for Adaptive Frequency-Detection Based on the Active Oscillator, The 2st Asia-Pacific Conference on ASIC, pp. 123-126.
C.C. Wang, M. H. Sheu, and H.E. Liao, 2000, An Efficient VLSI Design of Adaptive IIR Filter for Frequency Detection, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Computer & Communication Technology, pp. 4B21-4B25.
M. H. Sheu, S. J. Jiang and C. C. Kuo, 2000, Architecture Design for Class-of-Service Packet Scheduling, The 11th VLSI/CAD Symposium, 2000/08/12-16, 墾丁, pp.221-224.
許明華, 林銘華, 楊士賢, 林灶生, 林基源, 1999, A Modified Competitive Learning Network inImage Compression and VLSI Implementation, 第 15 屆全國技職研討會研討會, pp. 189-198.
M. H. Sheu and S. C. Tsai, 1999, A Lossless Index Coding Algorithm and VLSI Design for Vector Quantization, The 10th VLSI/CAD Symposium, pp. 485-488.
M. D. Shieh, C. H. Wu, M. H. Sheu, and C. H. Wu., 1999, A VLSI Architecture of Fast High-Radix Modular Multiplication for RSA Cryptosystem, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
許明華, 王瑞欽, 吳鴻武, 郭文杰, 1998, 乙太網路媒介擷取控制之超大型積體電路設計, 第 4 屆電腦與通訊研討會, pp. 99-102.
M. H. Sheu, M. D. Shieh, and S. W. Sheng, 1998, A VLSI Architecture Design with Lower Hardware Cost and Less Memory for Separable 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May, pp. 449-452.
M. D. Shieh, M. H. Sheu, C. M. Wu, and W. S. Ju, 1998, Efficient Management of In-Place Path and Its Implementation for Viterbi Decoders, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May, pp. 457-460.
J. L. Sheu, M. D. Shieh, C. H. Wu, and M. H. Sheu, 1998, A Pipelined Architecture of Fast Modular Multiplication for RSA Cryptography, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May, pp. 121-124.
C. H. Chen, M. H. Sheu, M. D. Shieh, T. S. Li, and M. T. Chen, 1998, Design and Implementation of a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Switching Hub Controller, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications.
M. H. Sheu and C. L. Chang, 1998, An Efficient VLSI Architecture Design for Fast Vector Quatization, The 9th VLSI/CAD Symposium, pp. 485-488.
M. H. Sheu, Chung-Ho Chen, and Tzung-Shiue Li, 1998, The Shared Bus Architecture Design and Chip Implementation for 10M/100Mbps Ethernet Switching Fabric, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp. 250-253.
林修民, 蔡世祺, 許明華, 1997, 實用自動販賣機控制器之特殊用途積體電路設計, 第 12 屆全國技職研討會, pp. 56-59.
W.S. Ju, M.D. Shieh, and M.H. Sheu, 1997, A Low-Power VLSI Architecture for the Viterbi Decoder, IEEE 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems.
M.H. Sheu, M.D. Shieh, S.W. Liu, and C. Dou, 1997, An Efficient Hardware Design Approach from System-Level Specification, IEEE 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems.
M.H. Sheu, M.D. Shieh, and S.W. Liu, 1997, A Low-Cost VLSI Architecture Design for Non-Speparable 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, IEEE 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems.
M.H. Sheu, M.D. Shieh, and S.W Liu, 1997, An Efficient VLSI Architecture Design for Separable 2-D Discrete Wavelet Tansform, The 8th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, pp. 121-124.
M.D. Shieh, M.H. Sheu, and Y.C. Hsu, 1997, A High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Maps Criterion Motion Estimation, IEEE 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems.
C. Dou, M.D. Shieh, and M.H. Sheu, 1997, Performance Evaluation for HW/SW Codesign of Communication Protocls, Asia-Pacific Conference on Hardware Description Language.
蘇文林, 莊盈洲, 塗正宗, 許明華, 1996, 影像移動估算之平均絕對差值積體電路設計, 第 11 屆全國技職研討會, pp. 177-182.
黃聰琦, 卓進豐, 許明華, 1996, 一適用波元轉換之捲積運算模組晶片設計, 第 11 屆全國技職研討會, pp. 505-510.
Ming-Der Shieh, Wann-Shyang Ju, and M.H. Sheu, 1996, Low-Power State Assignment for Asynchronous Finite State Machines, IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 1325-1328.
Ming-Der Shieh, M.H. Sheu, and Yu-Chin Hsu, 1996, MAPS: A New Efficient Block-Matching Criterion for Motion Estimation, IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 1393-1396.
M.H. Sheu, S.F. Cheng, and M.D. Shieh, 1996, A Pipelined VLSI with Module Structure Design for Discrete Wavelet Transforms, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May, pp. 352-355.
M.H. Sheu, M.D. Shieh, S.W. Liu, and C. Dou, 1996, A New System - Level Design Approach by Mapping Graphic SDL to VHDL, The 7th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceeding, pp. 171-174.
M.H. Sheu, M.D. Shieh, and S.F. Cheng, 1996, A Unified VLSI Architecture for Decomposition and Synthesis of Discrete Wavelet Transform, IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 113-116.
M.H. Sheu and H.Y. Lee, 1996, Subband Coding 之探討及 VLSI 設計製作, The Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 129-138.
M.D. Shieh, M.H. Sheu, H.R. Wang, and H.C. Cheng, 1996, Reducing the Switching Activity in Asynchronous Circuits for Low Power Dissipation, The 7th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceeding, pp. 165-168.
M.D. Shieh, J.M. Horng, and M.H. Sheu, 1996, A CAD System for Autmatic Synthesis of Generalized Asynchronous Circuits, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems May, pp. 818-821.
M. D. Shieh, M. H. Sheu, , and Y. C. Hsu, 1996, An Efficient Block-Matching Criterion and Its VLSI Implementation for Motion Estimation, The Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 122-128.
Hong-Yeong Lee, Leu-Shing Lan, M.H. Sheu, and Chien-Hsing Wu, 1996, A Parallel Architecture for Arithmetic Coding and Its VLSI Implementation, IEEE 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 1309-1312.
M.H. Sheu, Y.C. Hsu, and M.D. Shieh, 1995, A High Performance VLSI Architecture for the Full Search Block Matching Algorithm, The 1st Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, pp. 149-153.
M.H. Sheu, S.F. Cheng, and M.D. Shieh, 1995, A Pipelined VLSI Architecture for Discrete Wavelet Transform, The 6th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceeding, pp. 199-202.
M.D. Shieh, J.M. Horng, and M.H. Sheu, 1995, Automating the design of Generalized Asynchronous Circuits From High-Level Specification, The 6th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceeding, pp. 290-293.
M.D.Shieh, S.F.Cheng, and M.H.Sheu, 1995, Automating the Design of Generalized Asynchronous Circuits From High-Level Specifications, The 6th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium Proceeding, 1995/08/13-17, 瑞里, pp.290-293.
M.H. Sheu, J.F.Wang, and J.Y.Lee, 1993, An Architecture with Low Memory-Bandwidth and Hardware Cost for 3-Step Block Matching Algorithm, IEEE TENCON, Beijing, pp. 559-562.
M.H. Sheu, J.F. Wang, L.Y. Liu, and J.Y. Lee, 1993, An Expandable Chip Design for Gray-Scale Morphological Operations, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Chicago.
M.H. Sheu, J.F. Wang, and J.Y. Lee, 1993, A High Throughput-Rate Architecture for 8*8 2-D DCT, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Chicago.
M.H.Sheu, J.F.Wang, and J.Y.Lee, 1993, An Expandable Chip Design for Gray-Scale Morphological, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1993/05/19, Chicago.
L.Y. Liu, J.F. Wang, J.Y. Lee, and M.H. Sheu, 1992, A New Approach for Operation Scheduling with Data Flow Graph Reforming, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1941-1944.
J.F. Wang, L.Y. Liu, C.H. Cheng, M.H. Sheu, Y.L.Jeang and Y.L. Lee, 1992, An ASIC Design for Linear Predictive Coding of Speech Signals, Proceedings of EURO ASIC, pp. 288-293.
M.H. Sheu, J.F. Wang, G.R. Liang and J.Y. Lee, 1991, VLSI Implementation of Testable Chip: LPC-T, International Symposium on Communication.
J.F. Wang, M.H. Sheu, J.L. leang, W.Y. Lee and J.Y. Lee, 1990, A New Synthesis of Microprogrammed Controllers for Multicycling Operation, International Computer Symposium, pp. 712-717.
蔣元隆, 王駿發, 許明華, 李肇嚴, 1989, 一個最佳化暫存器全域配置演算法, 第 4 屆技術及職業教育研討會, pp. 4081-4092.
J.F. Wang, Y.L. Jeang, M.H. Sheu, and J.Y. Lee, 1989, On the Register Allocation and Algorithms, International Symposium on VLSI Technology,Systems and Applications, pp. 126-128.
J.F. Wang, L.Y. Jeang, M.H. Sheu, and J.Y. Lee, 1989, CKU-RA: A Problem for Optimal Register Allocation, Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, pp. 126-135.
許明華, 吳先晃, 2006, 小型都卜勒雷達後級訊號處理多用途晶片縮裝設計, 中山科學研究院. (執行期間:2006年1月1日至2006年12月31日)
許明華, 吳先晃, 2005, 即時影像物件偵測之數位矽智產設計與實現研究, 中山科學研究院. (執行期間:2005年1月1日至2005年12月31日)
許明華, 吳先晃, 2004, 影像移動處理演算法與DSP ASIC開發, 中山科學研究院. (執行期間:2004年1月1日至2004年12月31日)
許明華, 王文魁, 洪俊傑, 方喬立, 2004, 光學滑鼠七位元類比數位轉換器之低成本與低功率電路與佈局設計, 國科會. (執行期間:2003年8月1日至2004年7月31日)
許明華, 吳先晃, 2003, 小型都卜勒雷達後級訊號處理電路之ASIC縮裝設計, 中山科學研究院. (執行期間:2003年1月1日至2004年12月31日)
許明華, 王文魁, 黃新武, 楊學雯, 2003, 光學滑鼠控制系統單晶片設計, 國科會. (執行期間:2002年8月1日至2003年7月31日)
許明華,, 2002, 數位矽智產設計導論—FPGA Synthesis and Prototyping Design, 教育部. (執行期間:2002年1月1日至12月31日)
許明華, 謝明得, 郭家城, 王朝琴, 2001, The Design of Partial Memory Engine version 7 ASIC, 毓發科技公司. (執行期間:2001年1月1日至2001年12月31日)
許明華, 2001, 微電子快速雛型系統製作實習教材, 教育部. (執行期間:2001年1月1日至2001年12月31日)
許明華, 1997, 快述離散波元轉換之超大型積體電路設計與信號處理應用的研究, 國科會. (執行期間:1996年8月1日至1997年7月)
許明華, 1997, 硬體描述語言與模擬實習教材大綱, 教育部. (執行期間:1996年8月1日至1997年7月31日)
Sheu, M. H., M.D.Shieh and C. Dou,, 1996, SDL 與VHDL之軟體與硬體整合設計研究, 國科會. (執行期間:1995年8月1日至1996年7月31日)
許明華, 1995, 進階超大型積體電路系統之工程教育改進, 國科會. (執行期間:1994年8月1日至1995年7月31日)
M.H. Sheu, 1993, A Study on High-Level Synthesis and Chip Design, Ph.d. Dissertation, National Cheng Kung University.
M.H. Sheu, 1989, Global Optimal Register Allocation in Digital System, Master Thesis, National Cheng Kung University.
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