Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Associate Professor

陳育鑽 副教授

  • 職稱/副教授(2023/08 退休)
  • 學歷/美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 - 電機工程 博士
  • 專長/CMOS類比 / 射頻積體電路設計





  1. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Shun-Chieh Yu, 2020, High-Frequency Phase/Frequency Detectors: Analysis for Oscillation-Free Optimal I/O, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 30, No.11, pp. 1097-1100. (SCI, SCIE)
  2. Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2016, High-performance low-cost dual 15GHz/30GHz CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillator, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 714-716. (SCI, EI, SCIE)
  3. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2016, CMOS transimpedance amplifier for gigabit-per-second optical wireless communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 418-422. (SCI, EI, SCIE)
  4. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Hongchin Lin, 2016, High-performance regulated charge pump with an extended range of load current, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol. E99-C, No. 1, pp. 143-146. (SCI, EI, SCIE)
  5. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2015, CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier for Visible Light Communications, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 2738-2742. (SCI, EI)
  6. Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2015, High-performance cost-efficient dual-band CMOS LC Voltage-Controlled Oscillator, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 20150118. (SCI, EI)
  7. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2010, Modeling the high-frequency degradation of Phase/Frequency Detector, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 394-398. (SCI, EI)
  8. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and W.-Y. Chen, 2007, A high-speed fast-acquisition CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector for MB-OFDM UWB, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 23-26. (SCI, EI)(NSC 93-2215-E-224-007)
  9. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2006, A highly linear CMOS Transconductor, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol. E89-C, No. 10, pp. 1480-1484. (SCI, EI)(NSC 91-2215-E-224-008)
  10. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Hong-Yu Huang, and Ming-Yu Hsieh, 2006, Design of an improved CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 539-557. (SCI)(NSC 93-2215-E-224-007)
  11. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, S.-F. Lin, and M.-S. Wu, 2006, A linear CMOS voltage-to-current converter, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 497-509. (SCI)
  12. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Tsung-Shuen Hung, and Chih-Yuan Hung, 2005, A CMOS infrared wireless optical receiver front-end with a variable-gain fully-differential transimpedance amplifier, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 424-429. (SCI, EI)(NSC 92-2218-E-224-005)
  13. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 1997, High-speed CMOS frequency divider, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 22, pp. 1864-1865. (SCI, EI)(NSC 87-2215-E-218-002)
  14. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 1995, A mixed-signal design system and design flow, CCL Technical Journal, No. 42, pp. 58-62.
  15. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Dee-Son Pan, 1991, A Monte Carlo study of many-valley effects on the temporal electron transient transport in silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 4938-4945. (SCI)
  1. Shu-Ying Hou, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2016, High-performance low-cost 15/30-GHz dual-band LC voltage-controlled oscillator in 0.18um CMOS, 2016 Conference on Photonics and Communications, 2016/11/25, National Kaoshiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaoshiung, pp. 288-291.
  2. Yu-Lin Zong-Yi Yang, aand Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2016, CMOS fully-differential transimpedance amplifier for high-speed Gb/s wireless communications, 2016 Conference on Photonics and Communications, 2016/11/25, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, pp. 283-287.
  3. Pei-Xuan Liu, Zong-Yi Yang, Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2014, A wide tuning-range fully-differential CMOS LC Oscillator using an active inductor, 2014 12th Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications, 2014/05/23, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, pp. 229-234.
  4. Shao-Da Chiu, Zong-Yi Yang, Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2014, CMOS frequency-mixing transimpedance amplifier for near-infrared spectroscopy sensor front-ends, 2014 12th Concerence on Microelectronics Technology and Applications, 2014/05/23, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsuing, pp. 193-198.
  5. Zong-You Wu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2014, A high-efficiency and low-ripple charge pump using variable frequency modulation control, 2014 12th conference on microelectronics technology and applications, 2014/05/23, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsuing, pp. 180-186.
  6. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2013, A CMOS Transimpedance Amplifier for Optical Wireless Communications, International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 2013/11/12-15, IEEE circuits and systems society, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, pp. 505-508.
  7. Jhao-Yuan Su and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2013, High-speed CMOS frequency divider, 11th Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications, 2013/06/06, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  8. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2012, CMOS Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optical Wireless Communications, 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems, 2012/12/13-15, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua.
  9. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2012, CMOS receiver front-ends for optical wireless communications, 2012 Conference on Photonics and Communications, 2012/10/26, National Kaoshing University of Applied Sciences, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
  10. Jun-Yi Lee, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2011, A Voltage-Controlled Variable-gain Optical Receiver for Optical Wireless Communication, 2011 Conference on Photonics and Communications, 2011/12/02, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  11. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Yi Yang, 2011, High-Frequency Degradation of Phase/Frequency Detectors and its effects on PLL Dynamics, 22nd VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2011/08/02-05, National Chung Hsin University, Taiwan, pp.408-411.
  12. Wei-Zun Wu, Zong-Yi Yang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2011, Design of a voltage-controlled variable-gain optical receiver, sixth Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 2011/06/03, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.
  13. Wen-Chern Chang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2011, Desgin of A CMOS Optical Receiver Front-end Amplfifer, 2011 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, 2011/05/20, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  14. G.-H. Lee and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2011, CMOS Charge Pump Circuit Design, 2011 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications, 2011/05/20, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  15. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Zong-Yi Yang, and Ming-Jen Chang, 2010, A CMOS optical receiver for optoelectronic integrtaed circuits, IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, 2010/11/18-19, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  16. Zong-Yi Yang and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2010, Low-power design of a 5.6-GHz voltage-controlled oscillator, 5th Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 2010/06/04, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 182-185.
  17. Wei Husm Yu and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2010, A DLL frequency multiplier, 5th Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 2010/06/04, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 639-642.
  18. Jun-Yi Liu and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2010, A CMOS charge pump with high-efficiency, 4th Intelligent Systems Conference on Engineering Applications, 2010/05/06, Tainan, Taiwan, p2-26.
  19. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Ming-Jen Chang, 2009, A CMOS variable-gain fully-differential transimpedance amplifier for multimedia data link, Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2009/09/12-14, Kyoto, Japan, pp.402-405.
  20. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Ming-Jen Chang, 2009, A CMOS infrared wireless optical receiver front-end with a variable-gain fully-differential transimpedance amplifier, Fourth Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 2009/06/05, Taichung, Taiwan, pp.777-780.
  21. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Wen-Yan Chen, 2007, A high-speed fast-acquisition CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector for MB-OFDM UWB, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Digest of Technical Papers, 2007/01/12-14, Las Vegas, 8.2-3. (NSC 93-2215-E-224-007)
  22. Geng-Yi Wu and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2006, CMOS Voltage Reference Circuit, Proceedings of Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, 2006/11/16, Hsinchu, G0X004.
  23. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Sheng-Feng Lin, and Geng-Yi Wu, 2006, A highly linear CMOS Transconductor, Proceedings of 17th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2006/08/08-11, Hualien, pp. 541-544.
  24. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Hong-Yu Huang, 2006, A fast-acquisition CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, 2006/05/07-10, East Lansing, Michigan, pp. 488-491.
  25. Yi-Bin Wang, Seng-Fong Lin, Hong-Yu Huang, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2005, A CMOS Phase-Locked Loop for high-speed DVD/CD ROMs, Proceedings of Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal processing, 2005/11/17-18, Doulio.
  26. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Ming-Yu Hsieh, and Peng-Min Peng, 2005, A wide-range power-efficient CMOS Phase-Locked Loop with a differential range-programmable VCO, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signals,Circuits and Systems, 2005/07/14-15, Iasi, pp. 673-676.
  27. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Tsung-Shuen Hung, 2005, A linear CMOS voltage-to-current converter, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Signals,Circuits and Systems, 2005/07/14-15, Iasi, pp. 677-680.
  28. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Tsung-Shuen Hung, and Chih-Yuan Hung, 2005, A CMOS variable-gain transimpedance amplifier for infrared wireless data communication, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Digest of Technical Papers, 2005/01/08-12, Las Vegas, pp. 357-358.
  29. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Ming-Yu Hsieh, Chia-Lung Hung, and Chih Chiang Liao, 2004, A wide-range power-efficient CMOS Phase-Locked Loop, Proceedings of 2004 Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photonics and Communications, 2004/12/09-10, Kaoshiung.
  30. Peng-Min Peng, Ming-Shian Wu, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2004, A CMOS PLL frequency synthesizer for 2.4GHz bluetooth applications, Proceedings of 2004 Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photonics and Communications, 2004/12/09-10, Kaoshiung.
  31. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Chih-Yuan Hung, and Tsung-Shuen Hung, 2004, A CMOS infrared optical preamplifier with a variable-gain transimpedance amplifier, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2004/12/06-09, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, National Cheng Kung University, pp. 265-268.
  32. Chih-Yuan Hung, Tsung-Shuen Hung, and Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2004, An infrared wireless optical receiver front-end with a variable-gain transimpedance amplifier, Proceeding of Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing, 2004/11/17-18, Hsinchu, pp. 333-337.
  33. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Tsung-Shuen Hung, and Chih-Yuan Hung, 2004, A CMOS variable-gain fully-differential transimpedance amplifier for infrared wireless data communications, Proceedings of the 15th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2004/08/10-13, Kenting, pp. 2-20.
  34. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Ming-Yu Hsieh, and Peng-Min Peng, 2004, A CMOS wide-range power-efficient Phase-Locked Loop with a differential range-programmable VCO, Proceedings of the 15th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2004/08/10-13, Kenting, pp. 2-24.
  35. Roger Yubtzuan Chen and Zong-Shun Hong, 2003, A linear CMOS Voltage-to-Current Converter, Proceedings of the 14th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2003/08/12-15, Hualien, pp. 397-400.
  36. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, Chi Ho Tu, and J. Wu, 2002, A CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector with a high-speed low-power D-type Master-Slave Flip-Flop, Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002/08/04-07, Oklahoma, pp. III-389-392.
  37. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2000, A high-speed low-power CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector, Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2000/12/04-07, Tienjin.
  38. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 2000, A variable-gain constant-bandwidth fully-differential CMOS Optical Preamplifier for Infrared Wireless Data Communications, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, 2000/10/06-07, Chanhua, pp. 4B-5-4B-10.
  39. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 1999, Design of a high-sensitivity high-speed CMOS Phase/Frequency Detector, Proceedings of the 10th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 1999/08/18-21, Nantou, pp. 293-296.
  40. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 1998, A 3-V 3-GHz frequency divider in 0.5um CMOS, Proceedings of 4th Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology, 1998/10/07-08, Taoyuan, pp. 171-174.
  41. Roger Yubtzuan Chen, 1998, Design of a high-speed CMOS frequency divider, Proceedings of the 9th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 1998/08/19-22, Nantou, pp. 465-468.









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